Blue Christmas Service


Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year—or is it? For many, it echoes old griefs and illuminates the new. When so many things have changed this year, we’ve lost people important to us, and so many hold their…

Grace Emerged Visible


Come and worship with members of the national setting as we observe Epiphany and explore “the responsibility to distribute God’s grace.” (Ephesians 3:2a CEB)

Queerness & Disability: Showing up as our Full Selves


To many members of both the LGBTQ+ and disability communities, the intersection between Queerness and Disability may not be obvious. But for people who identify as both queer and disabled, this particular intersectional identity can strongly inform their understandings of…

Let us Worship as One Body


Join us as we welcome Rev. Dr. Cheryl Lindsay as the Minister for Worship and Theology for the national setting of the United Church of Christ. Rev. Cheryl is no stranger to the UCC. She pastors a local congregation in…

Vibrant Re-Entry And Voter’s Rights Desmond Meade


Please join Rev. Traci Blackmon and Desmond Meade, a formerly incarcerated civil rights activist and recent McArthur Genius Grant Awardee, as they discuss the church’s role in welcoming returning citizens. Desmond Meade’s work centers on restoring voting rights to formerly…

Where Do We Go From Here


The United Church of Christ is a denomination that seeks to live out Christ’s call to create a just world for all. While the mission remains, the ways in which we do ministry adapt over time. What will that look…

Becoming Abolitionists


What is abolition, and why should we care, as Christians? Derecka Purnell, ESQ, will offer her expertise in conversation with Rev. Traci Blackmon. She is a Harvard Graduate and scholar-in-residence at Columbia Law School. Recently published author of the book,…

Confronting Bias in Search and Call


Our churches want to do better in addressing implicit (and explicit!) bias in their search and call practices, but they often don’t know where to start. Or, they’ve made a good start, but now they want to take next steps.…

UCC Rural Voices of Worship and Praise


Rural identified congregations of the United Church of Christ provide a vital role for the spiritual and physical wellbeing of their communities, often with innovative ways of limited resources . Join us for an hour of inspiring worship and praise…

Midwifing Grief


Rev. Jamie F. Eaddy is a Pastoral Theologian, Spiritual Care Practitioner, Loss Navigation Specialist™, and Death Midwife. She requested to discuss communal grief and steps useful in navigating grief for both clergy and laity. After two years of ongoing collective…

Contemplatives in Action – Mindfulness in the UCC


Pause, breathe, and come learn about how the UCC is joining the mindfulness movement. Following the Contemplatives in Action Resolution, passed at the 2021 General Synod, a working group of clergy, students, and lay leaders have been meeting regularly to…