Preparing for Advent 2022: Days to Come


The United Church of Christ partners with The United Church of Canada to offer a collection of resources for the Advent season. From devotionals to candle lighting rituals, for individuals and for communal worship, we will have resources ready for…

The Small Church Story Project in the Maine Conference


Intrigued by reports of small, rural, congregations who are creating new ways of “being church’, Rev Douglas Dunlap and Rev Susan Craig formed The Small Church Story Project in 2015. Their efforts are to gather the stories of such congregations…

Releasing, Blessing, and Sending Rev. Dr. Chris Davies


Join officers and staff of the United Church of Christ in a Service of Release as we give thanks for the ministry of Rev. Dr. Chris Davies, Team Leader and Minister, Faith INFO, as she transitions from her role at…

Intergenerational Advent Planning


Join members of the Association of United Church Educators (AUCE) Board of Directors as they share about faith formation during Advent. There will be ideas for intergenerational Advent activities, Advent resources, ways to collect ideas. We'll also touch on intergenerational…

Spirituality and Pop Culture


As Christmas becomes increasingly secularized, how do we talk to our congregations about the holiday? And how has the popular view of Christmas changed over time? The answer may come from depictions of Christmas in popular movies and TV shows.…

Writing as a Spiritual Practice


A daily pause. A moment of wonder. A simple invitation to insight. With deep understanding of the human spirit, each poem by Tina Datsko de Sánchez touches the reader's core with its rich imagery and holy metaphors. Join us as…

Becoming a Creation Justice Church


Creation Justice Churches is a program of the United Church of Christ that guides congregations in discerning how they can best embody a commitment to care for God’s creation. As Christians, this is our first calling in the Bible. It…

World AIDS Day of Prayer and Remembrance


In 1988, December 1st was declared to be World AIDS Day, a day to remember those living with HIV/AIDS, honor those who have died and to raise awareness around prevention and testing. Globally, there are more than 38 million people…

WISE (Welcoming, Inclusive, Supportive, and Engaged) for Mental Health


The United Church of Christ adopted the WISE (Welcoming, Inclusive, Supportive, and Engaged) for mental health covenant as a denomination in 2015 as part of our commitment to mental health justice. Join representatives of the UCC Mental Health Network for…

Near the Brokenhearted


The Christmas Season is primarily known for Hope and Joy, focused on community and familial gatherings of celebration and thanksgiving. However, for some, the winter holidays season may be difficult due to personal loss and grief. Please join us for…