Transgender Day of Visibility – March 31st, 2023

March 31st is Transgender Day of Visibility and we would like to take the day to shower trans-youth with messages of love.
The response to Rev. Traci Blackmon’s request for supportive love letters to God’s beloved transgender youth has been phenomenal. Thank you for your sincere showing of support and love. Because of the outpouring of support you have shared and the ongoing need to tell transgender youth that are part of God’s kin-dom, the Love Letters for Transgender Day of Visibility will continue to be posted long after the 24 hours that was anticipated. If you have sent in a letter, it will be shared so that your words, prayers, and expressions of truly seeing these young people goes beyond Transgender Day of Visibility. If you have not yet sent one in, please do so as this project will continue.
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View Love Notes Below:
Love Notes #48
Dear Trans Youth of the Church and all of God’s Creation, Today we shout from the…
Read MoreLove Notes #47
You are seen. You belong here. There is a place for you to be yourself without fear or doubt…
Read MoreLove Notes #45
To my siblings in Christ, I am a pastor, a fellow child of God, and your…
Read MoreLove Notes #44
Dear Friends, I’d like to take this chance to share my gratitude with you and with…
Read MoreLove Notes #43
Dearest One, The moment you were born, I knew I could never love you any less than I did…
Read MoreLove Notes #42
Good Morning Gorgeous! That’s right, I’m talking to you. I see you. You are brilliant and…
Read MoreLove Notes #41
Dear TransBeloveds, On this Transgender Day of Visibility, we want to be clear: You are…
Read MoreLove Notes #40
El Ser trans revela la divinidad de Dios en su máximo esplendor Es mostrarle al mundo la…
Read MoreLove Notes #39
Dear Trans Youth, You are love, loving, and lovable! 😊We should all celebrate our…
Read MoreLove Notes #38
Beloved Trans Youth, I see you and recognize you as a marvelous creation of God. I am in…
Read MoreLove Notes #37
Dear Beloved Child of God, Go back and read that greeting again. You are beloved and you…
Read MoreLove Notes #36
Hi, I’m writing as an ordained trans woman who recognizes you for the blessings of…
Read MoreLove Notes #35
Dear Beloved Child of God, I want you to know that God sees you for all of who and what you…
Read MoreLove Notes #34
Trans and non-binary youth, you are beloved children of God, fearfully and wonderfully made….
Read MoreLove Notes #33
Each day I pray for a world where there is no hate and no othering of God’s…
Read MoreLove Notes #32
Oh sweet one, You are more than can be contained in gender. You are a starry night sky…
Read MoreLove Notes #31
Dear One, You are so beautiful. And God loves YOU – exactly as you are. The God…
Read MoreLove Notes #30
Dear holy child,You are made of star dust and moon beams and the invisible yarn of the…
Read MoreLove Notes #29
Dear Beloved, This world is not always kind. And it’s never easy to be who you are in a…
Read MoreLove Notes #28
Dear Trans and Genderqueer Youth, As one of the many supportive pastors you may not have…
Read MoreLove Notes #27
Dear Trans Youth, You are amazing and beautiful, powerful and courageous … just as you…
Read MoreLove Notes #26
Dear Beloved Child of God, You are loved just the way you are. You are not alone. Our faith…
Read MoreLove Notes #25
Remember…you are beloved. Do not believe those who tell you that you are inferior or…
Read MoreLove Notes #24
Beloved, I have just a few things I need to tell you. First – you are beautifully and…
Read MoreLove Notes #23
Dear Trans Youth: Take it from this trans pastor: God loves you. God made you just as you…
Read MoreLove Notes #22
O dearest friends and dearest family, There are so many who would have you be something you…
Read MoreLove Notes #21
Dear beloved child of God, I am writing to say to you today that you are loved and…
Read MoreLove Notes #20
Dear Child of God, You are not alone in this fight against repressors. We won’t…
Read MoreLove Notes #19
Greetings Beautiful Soul- As a life coach for teens, I have the honor of working with teens…
Read MoreLove Notes #18
Dear One, You are a loved and cherished child of the living God! As a member of the…
Read MoreLove Notes #17
You are loved. You are Beloved. God loves you. Even when its seems like the world is against…
Read MoreLove Notes #16
You are loved, you are valid, you are beautiful, and you matter. I will keep fighting for my…
Read MoreLove Notes #15
Dear Child of God, We see you.We see the holiness of God’s own image that resides in you…
Read MoreLove Notes #14
We love you.Yes— we, who are parents of all kids…Gay, straight, bi, queers,…
Read MoreLove Notes #13
To Our Transgender Siblings: You are brave, resilient, and committed to your inner truth….
Read MoreLove Notes #10
Dear sweet one, I’m a white hetero cis mama, but I’m a mama. I want to give you…
Read MoreLove Notes #12
Dear Friends, I write today to share my support and encouragement to you during a very…
Read MoreLove Notes #11
Dearly Beloved Child of God, This is a note to let you know that you are dearly beloved as…
Read MoreLove Notes #9
Within the story of our faith is a living story that describes the love of God for all people….
Read MoreLove Notes #8
My Dear Trans and Gender Non-Binary Beloveds, It is my prayer that you feel the embrace and…
Read MoreLove Notes #7
Dear Beloved Young People, I’m a trans pastor in Washington state, and I’m praying for all…
Read MoreLove Notes #6
Beloved youth, Even though it may feel like it at times, I want you to know you are not…
Read MoreLove Notes #5
Amede joven trans o no binarie, Gracias por existir y enseñarnos que Dios es mucho más…
Read MoreLove Notes #4
Dear Trans siblings, We are resilient and full of the love of God. You empower me and…
Read MoreLove Notes #3
Dear Friend, as you move through this phase of your life, know that you are journeying with…
Read MoreLove Notes #2
Dearly Beloved: You are fearfully and wonderfully made, and you are worthy of every good…
Read MoreLove Notes #1
I write this love note to any and all Trans youth. Please know that I love you just the way…
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