Peace-filled interfaith rallies replaced publicized hateful Anti-Islam demonstrations when protestors were no-shows. See why three UCC pastors were front and center in the Pacific Northwest.
Conference Collaboration Three Southern New England United Church of Christ Conferences are joining together to examine a future of shared ministry, considering ways to embrace their interdependence in ways that advance the mission of the wider church. Read more >>
Stepping into Stewardship The United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), which share full communion, will continue their partnership in a brand new way this spring with philanthropy and stewardship. Learn more >>
Mark your Calendars All are welcome to join a UCC webinar next Wednesday, Oct. 21, to hear the insights from the 2015 Faith Communities Today (FACT) National Survey of Congregations. Save the date >>
Emergency USA You can make a difference in helping people put their lives back together after disaster strikes. See how Disaster Ministries assisted two congregations on the frontlines of the wildfires in California, and remain ready to lend a hand in flood-stricken South Carolina. Learn more >>
Putting Away the Camera A UCC Associate Conference Minister covering the Widening the Welcome conference on the eve of Disabilities Awareness Month is drawn in as an active participant. Read why >>