In his Christmas message, United Church of Christ General Minister and President the Rev. John C. Dorhauer invites all in the wider church to commit to making sure that ‘Love Wins.’
A Special Gift A Newark, Ohio church gifts its community with a Bethlehem Market, to drive home the true meaning of Christmas, and to make sure the local food pantry is stocked for the holidays. Learn more >>
Love Our Neighbor, No Matter What As thousands rally on in Washington D.C. for a ‘clean’ Dream Act, UCC ministers are among 181 advocates demanding action for immigrants arrested on the steps of the Capitol. Read more >>
Need a Way to Fund your Dream? Check out the United Church of Christ scholarships, aimed at individuals in the denomination engaged in education, leadership, and ministry and faith-based projects. Apply online today >>
Justice for Each Generation Join the challenge. Preach a sermon to express your love for the children and youth of today contending with climate change. Support 21 young people suing the federal government, seeking accountability for damage done to our climate. Sign up today – goal is 1,000 sermons >>