Sexuality and Our Faith Scripture Reflection | July 2020

My children, our love must not be simply words or mere talk–it must be true love, which shows itself in action and truth. – 1 John 3:18 (The Inclusive Bible)


Our Whole Lives is, at its core, about dismantling shame and stigma around our bodies and our relationships. When we do this work, it is transforming and life-giving. It is relational and revolutionary.

We take action to create space for truth-telling and meaningful conversations about what many find uncomfortable to discuss.

Right now, we are called to do this work not only in the midst of COVID-19 and various levels of physical shut down, but also to remember that we are in the midst of the pandemic of racism which has infected our country for hundreds of years.

As we acknowledge our complicity in Our Whole Lives being used in predominantly white spaces for and by predominantly white people, I invite those of us who are white to ask these questions —as individuals, as individual congregations, as associations, and as conferences, and as the national setting:

  • Who might want to be a part of this ministry but cannot?
  • Whose ideas am I/are we not taking seriously?
  • What conditions do I/we have in place that maintain safety and comfort for some, while sacrifice and minimize the safety of others?

Will we tell the truth? Will we move beyond words and into actions of truth? And will we keep working so that our actions can continue to be true for all God’s beloved children?

This scripture calls us to tell ourselves the truth, and to move beyond those words and into actions that will enroll us as co-creators of the kin-dom of God right here and right now.

I hope you will continue to accompany me on this journey towards wholeness. Our lives, our children’s lives, our whole lives—depend on it.

In solidarity,


Categories: Column Our Whole Lives Reflections

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