Love Knows No Borders’ action in San Diego to lead moral call for Migrant Justice

Love knows no borders. That’s why clergy and immigrant justice advocates of the United Church of Christ are responding to a call to act, joining the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), and other faith leaders in San Diego this weekend to kick off a national week of action, a stand in solidarity with the people of the migrant caravan and all who seek refuge in the United States.

“As the United Church of Christ, we recognize that Central Americans migrating towards the U.S. are families fleeing violence and persecution looking for safe haven,” said the Rev. Noel Andersen, coordinator of the UCC National Collaborative on Immigration. “As people following the gospel call to love our neighbor, we have a moral responsibility to stand with the vulnerable.”

The UCC is partnering with AFSC, calling on the United States to end the detention and deportation of immigrants, respect the human right to migrate, and end the militarization of the border.

This weekend at border in San Diego, a tangible sign of love and support, begins with education, prayer and an interfaith service on December 9. The Rev. Traci Blackmon, Associate General Minister, UCC Justice and Local Church Ministries, will be offering the homily during worship Sunday evening. A series of events, presentations, discussions continue on December 10, in California and around the country.

Co-sponsors of the action, the UCC is inviting all its churches to organize an event expressing solidarity in their local communities during the national week of action that follows, from Dec. 10 (International Human Rights Day) to Dec. 18 (International Migrants Day).

“Using the vulnerability of these families to feed the flames of xenophobia and fear is reprehensible and just another step in the administration’s efforts to advance their white supremacist agenda,” Andersen said. “We call upon our UCC congregations to walk in solidarity with all asylum seekers.” He plans to participate at an event in D.C. 

As Congress readies to vote this week on budget priorities that will impact our brothers and sisters who are migrants on both sides of the border, the Church is urging local congregations to keep to the vision and demands of border communities and people seeking safety and refuge.

Resources to organize an event in your community for the Dec. 10-18 National Week of Action are available. Visit and share this website to learn more. Download the toolkit hereCongregations can also register their event at

Categories: United Church of Christ News

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