November 2017

The decisions of a Committee on Ministry directly impact whether a candidate or authorized minister may circulate a UCC Ministerial Profile. Following a Committee on Ministry’s assessment of a candidate’s readiness for authorized ministry in and on behalf of the UCC and subsequent to the affirmation of that assessment by an Ecclesiastical Council, candidates may circulate a ministerial profile. Conference staff vet all profiles and they have a role in attesting to the actions of a COM and an association.

The four pieces of objectively verifiable data attested to by conference staff include:
· the type of authorization and/or standing a minister holds;
· a current background check from within the last 18 months;
· employment information for the current call and all previous employment;
· a properly reported fitness history.

If any information provided by the minister is incomplete or incorrect, conference staff return the profile to the minister and inform them of the changes that need to be made before the profile can be validated. Once the profile has been validated, the profile is circulated to any conference in which the individual has indicated they are willing to serve.

A profile is pulled from circulation while a fitness review is ongoing, and may remain out of circulation following an outcome of censure, suspension, or termination. Ministers whose fitness has been conditionally reaffirmed and are currently completing a program of growth may circulate their profile provided this information is disclosed. Ministers must permanently disclose fitness reviews on their profile if they have outcomes of censure, suspension, or termination followed by a later reinstatement.

Everyone who is permitted access as a user in the profiles portal is permitted to create a draft of a profile. Often, committees on ministry ask their Members in Discernment to create a draft of their profile prior to it being eligible for circulation. This allows MIDs to reflect on their readiness for authorization with the Committee on Ministry.

For more information about this process, see the document entitled “Access to the Ministerial Profiles Portal” located here on the UCC website, and check out this series of videos on the profile process.

Other COM News:
The MESA Team is dedicated to supporting your vital COM work through regular trainings offered online. On December 6th at 7:00 – 8:30pm ET, explore the Marks of Faithful and Effective Authorized Ministers and how to use them with MIDs and ministers. On December 12th at 3:00 – 4:30pm ET, build your Committee on Ministry’s skills related to diversity. Each training is hosted by a member of the MESA Team, with space on Zoom for up to 50 participants. No registration is required; simply scroll through the list of online trainings posted here and click on the title of the training you want to attend at the time it is scheduled to start.
Blessings and peace,

Elizabeth Dilley
Minister for Ministers in Local Churches
Ministerial Excellence, Support & Authorization (MESA) Team
Local Church Ministries, United Church of Christt

Categories: Column COMma

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