Ministerial Updates for June 2020

CC: Congregational Christian
CM: Commissioned Minister
DS: Dual Standing
LM: Licensed Minister

LMS: Lay Ministerial Standing
MID: Member in Discernment

MS: Ordained Ministerial Partner Standing
OM: Ordained Minister 
POC: Privilege of Call
U: Unknown/No UCC Standing
P: Pastor
SP: Senior Pastor
DT: Designated-Term Pastor
CP: Co-pastor
AP: Associate or Assistant Pastor
IN: Interim Pastor
SU: Supply Pastor
Y: Youth Ministry
OL: Other local church position
MM: Minister of Music
CE: Director of Christian Education 

OM, Anne Abernethy-Wepner, P, Bethel United Church of Christ, Hickory, NC
U, Ralph Andersen, SU, Saint Paul UCC, West Burlington, IA
OM, Jennifer Bannerman, IN, Huff’s Union Church, Alburtis, PA
MID, Gary Barraco, P, First Reformed United Church of Christ, Berwick, PA
OM, David Buchan, IN, Union Memorial UCC, Stamford, CT
U, David Cash, SP, First Evangelical & Reformed UCC, Asheboro, NC
OM, Karen Curtis-Weakley, P, Hope United Church of Christ, Rockledge, FL
U, Ronald Dafler, P, Trinity UCC, New Lebanon, OH
U, Jack Dawson, IN, Elk Grove Congregational Church UCC, Elk Grove, CA
OM, Alexander Dreese, IN, Plymouth Congregational UCC, Paso Robles, CA
OM, Richard Feyen, IN, Pilgrim UCC, Fond Du Lac, WI
DS, Roberto Fois, P, Trinity United Church UCC, Warren, NJ
POC, Patricia Fox, DT, Congregational UCC, Canaan, NY
OM, Michelle Freeman, SP, First Congregational UCC, Riverside, CA
LMS, Jeffery Fulk, AP, Saron United Church of Christ, Linton, IN
OM, Karen Gale, IN, First Christian Congregational UCC, Swansea, MA
CM, Diane Gardner, OL, Mayflower UCC, Minneapolis, MN
OM, Rayford Howell, AP, Congregational Church of South Hempstead, South Hempstead, NY
OM, Anna Humble, MM, Congregational Church of Austin UCC, Austin, TX
U, Craig Janney, DT, Saint Stephen’s UCC, Harrisonburg, VA
OM, Carlos Jauhola-Straight, P, First Congregational Church of Pelham UCC, Pelham, NH
MID, Dahron Johnson, SU, Howard Congregational UCC, Nashville, TN
OM, Norris Keirn, P, Zion United Church of Christ, Poland, IN
MID, Thomas Kiepert, P, Chapel Hill UCC, Camp Hill, PA
MID, Haley Lerner, CP, Presbyterian Student Center, Athens, GA
U, Deborah Mahaney, IN, Congregational Church UCC, South Dennis, MA
OM, Jeffrey Mansfield, SP, Glen Ridge Congregational UCC, Glen Ridge, NJ
OM, David McDonald, DT, Congregational UCC, Whitewater, WI
OM, Curtis Miner, P, Golden Congregational UCC, Ryan, IA
OM, Jacqueline Moncrief, SP, Bethany Congregational UCC, San, Antonio, TX
MS, Mary Mulligan, IN, Saint Andrew UCC, Sarasota, FL
OM, Jennifer Munroe-Nathans, SP, Congregational Church of Littleton, Littleton, MA
DS, William Norman, CP, Presbyterian Student Center, Athens, GA
OM, Megan Owens, P, United Church of Christ, Sun City, CA
LM, Terri Reynolds, SU, Saint John’s UCC, Powhatan Point, OH
OM, Elizabeth Rogers, P, United Church of Christ, Hummelstown, PA
U, J.D. Rose, SP, Saron United Church of Christ, Linton, IN
OM, Jenny Russell, SU, Touchstone Community Church, Boerne, TX
OM, Benjamin Samuel, P, Seaside Community UCC, Torrance, CA
LM, Carl Schwartz-King, OL, Congregational Church of Austin UCC, Austin, TX
U, Kinley Simmers, P, Trinity UCC, Timberville, VA
LM, Jim Skrobo, P, Congregational UCC, Blair, NE
OM, Melissa Sternhagen, P, St. Paul Congregational UCC, Oskaloosa, IA
CM, Gordon Street, OL, First Congregational UCC, Phoenix, AZ
OM, Rona Tyndall, DT, West Gloucester Trinitarian Congregational Church, Gloucester, MA
OM, Kristin Vaughn, P, Mount Hope UCC, Whitsett, NC
OM, Dwight Welch, IN, First Congregational, Savage, MT
OM, Marilyn Wilcox, DT, The United Church of Clinton, Clinton, MA
LM, Gary Wilner, IN, Zwingli UCC Mt. Vernon, Mount Vernon, WI
U, Karen Young, P, First Congregational United Church of Christ, Mason City, IA

The Center for Analytics, Research and Data (CARD) provides oversight of the UCC Data Hub through which ministerial changes are made. However, Conferences and Associations are responsible for reporting changes and maintaining ministerial records in this system. If you have questions about this information, please contact the appropriate Conference or Association.