Always Sophia
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
and in God’s word I hope;
my soul waits for the Lord
more than those who watch for the morning,
more than those who watch for the morning.
– Psalm 130:5-6 (NRSV)
Maybe it is my empathic spirit, but I can literally feel it in my chest as the psalmist waits with bated breath, as she tries to be non-anxious and fully present.
Perhaps like me, you too need an image reminding us that our waiting on God is not in vain – even as the entire world watches and waits for the end of the daily terrors caused by Covid-19, inhumane policies, and the ever-present evils of racism, greed, and militarism. Perhaps like me, you need reminders about how God has equipped us to co-create the kin-dom.
“Lord, hear our voice!” we cry with Psalm 130:2.
The Holy Spirit conjures up in my memory a response to verse two written by Rev. Jennifer Garrison Brownell in The Words of Her Mouth:
“Always Sophia
leans in. …
I speak, one word or
a thousand.
She hearkens. She hears.
… Remind me that I have the voice
to speak words that bring down and build up
whenever necessary.”
I am grateful for reminders of God’s faithfulness, for words that linger with me and keep me company while waiting. I am grateful for Sophia – for Wisdom – who leans in and equips us.
I remember, O God. I re-member, O God. Thank you for waiting and listening, too. Amen.

Rev. Dr. Marilyn Pagán-Banks (she/her/ella) is a queer womanist freedom fighter gratefully (though not always gracefully) serving as executive director of A Just Harvest, Senior Pastor at San Lucas UCC, and adjunct professor at McCormick Theological Seminary. She is a joyful contributor to The Words of Her Mouth.