Silent God
Our God comes
and will not be silent.
– Psalm 50:3 (NIV)
‘Silence is golden.’ ‘Children should be seen and not heard.’ From the earliest days, some of us are told to be silent.
I get it. I know how hard it is when I’m trying to have a conversation and I get percussively interrupted by my child. We haven’t been raising her to be silent, you see.
So she interrupts. She interjects her thoughts. She will not be silent, even if it might be more convenient for the adults around her.
“Our God comes and will not be silent,” the psalmist says.
We are called to follow God. Following God means that the goldenness of silence isn’t about silencing.
It’s about listening.
Even when we feel like we have something more important to say.
God—we are willing to listen. We will risk our voices. We will honor the roar of your voice.
Kaji Douša is the Senior Pastor of The Park Avenue Christian Church, a congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ, in New York City.