Kylie Steever (Class of 2025, At Large) is an Education Specialist and Results Driven Accountability (RDA) Coach for Black Hills Special Services Cooperative (BHSSC) in Rapid City, South Dakota. She graduated with her Bachelors Degree in K-12 Special Education and K-12 Art Education from Black Hills State University, taught Special Education in Rapid City for a few years before beginning her work for BHSSC in July of 2018, and then later earned her Masters Degree in K-12 Curriculum & Instruction in May of 2020. Kylie’s current work for BHSSC includes a variety of tasks including Special Education compliance reviews; conducting data retreats, root cause analyses, and goal-writing with action-planning to work towards improving outcomes for students with disabilities in school districts across South Dakota and Wyoming; coaching school staff, particularly in special education departments; and developing and administering a variety of professional learning opportunities for educators and administrators. Kylie is a member of South Park UCC in Rapid City, where she serves on the Christian Education committee in her church council. She loves volunteering her time and efforts in youth ministry, especially through her church and through Placerville Church Camp, where her dad has been the director since 1997. Kylie has given much of herself in service to youth and children over the last 16 years as church camp staff, camp counselor, camp dean, sunday school teacher, confirmation mentor, youth group leader, and a variety of other tasks – her heart truly lies here, in doing her best to create a better world for our future generations.