Interfaith Day of Prayer – Prayer from Karen Georgia Thompson


A Prayer from Karen Georgia Thompson


Interfaith Day of Prayer

May 7, 2020




Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on us. Holy God, called by many names, we raise our voices on this National Day of Prayer in the United States, mindful of the needs of the world around us. You are Creator God who continues to create among us, God who heals, God who provides peace and comfort. We give thanks for your presence among us Holy One. We give thanks for the ways in which you are present for us and for the ways in which you give us wisdom and strength to bring change to the world. We call on you O God.


In the midst of self-isolation, social distancing and 14-day quarantines, we are reminded that we are not alone. We are a part of this fabric of humanity you have woven, united in our diversity that is reflected in each face. In our diversity we reflect your wisdom and your grace. We live in these days the desire for unity and community. We pray for your love to be made evident among us. We ask that your love surround us in ways that will continue to move us to live into the call to be witnesses to your work in the world, bringing salt and light to the world.


We pray for the communities in which we live. Communities that are aching with loss, grief and mourning. The whole earth groans as we witness the destruction of life and the impacts of the corona virus, as it spreads among us. As we navigate the uncertainty, we cry: How long O God! How long? We pray your healing presence fall upon us. We pray for comfort in the midst of suffering. We pray your peace rest with us. Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on us.


Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia A. Thompson

Associate General Minister and Co-Executive of Global Ministries of the United Church of Christ