Interfaith Day of Prayer – Prayer from Sharon MacArthur


Prayer from Sharon MacArthur


Interfaith Day of Prayer

May 7, 2020



God of yesterday, today and tomorrow,


We come to you in a swirl of emotions during this Covid-19 pandemic…


We are sad about social distancing…we miss shaking hands, hugging and kissing!  We are anxious about how this new norm will affect life post-Coronavirus. Then we remember the innovative ways of being church/community — like virtual worship and fellowship gatherings! Thank You, God, for reminding us that You are light in the darkness!


Our hearts are heavy as we hear Covid-19 statistics. We pray for the victims and their families and the health care workers. We pray for all whose lives and livelihoods are at risk. Remind them that though the future is unknown You are with them. Let them feel Your presence.


God of all ethnicities, cultures and traditions — we lift up our Asian American siblings who are experiencing verbal/physical attacks by those who blame Asians for the Coronavirus. Be with these Asian American members of Your family…let them feel Your presence. May Your light/love guide Your children of every ethnicity/culture that all may be one.  


Holy God, thank you for making us in Your own image. Remind us to use our…

–        eyes to see You in all we encounter and how You can be present in the injustices we encounter;


–        lips to pray, to praise You, and to speak for those without voice;

–        hands and feet…our whole bodies…to care for Your people.


May we be the Risen Christ in the world…with hearts so open that when You fill us with Your love & peace, we cannot help but become Your Beloved Community — in spite of and maybe because of Covid-19. In Your many holy names, we pray, Amen.



Rev. Sharon Lee MacArthur

Public theologian, pastor, poet, and sage