Community Organizing
Direct Action & Research Training Network Faith & Action for Strength Together (FAST) (St. Petersburg)
Mission: Coalition of over 35 religious congregations working together to achieve social and economic justice in Pinellas county, FL. FAST is a grassroots, direct-action, multi-issue organization which brings people together to improve the quality of life in their communities. FAST’s mission is to build the power of religious congregations to solve community problems by holding systems accountable. FAST organizes its membership to a large ‘direct action’ where leaders negotiate with public officials from a position of mutual power and respect. (
Volunteer Position: Community organizing with congregations. This position includes coordination with leaders in congregations, research, action and financial development.
Period: 9-12 month placements throughout the year
Apply by: 3 months prior to requested start date
Housing: Host Family
Minimum Age: 21 years with college degree
Direct Action & Research Training Network Interfaith Coalition for Action, Reconciliation, & Empowerment (ICARE) (Jacksonville)
Mission: ICARE is a coalition of over 20 religious congregations working together to achieve social & economic justice in the Jacksonville area. ICARE’s mission is to build the power of religious congregations to solve community problems by holding systems accountable. ICARE organizes its membership to a lar ‘direct action’ where leaders can negotiate with public officials from a position of mutual power and respect. The DART Network of congregation-based community organizations based in nineteen cities throughout five states. (
Volunteer Position: This position includes coordination with leaders in congregations, reach, action and financial development
Period: 9-12 month placements throughout the year
Apply by: 3 months prior to requested start date
Housing: Host Family
Minimum Age: 21 years with college degree