Yearbook and Directory
Order your 2020Yearbook & Directory from UCC Resources today! Click here.
The United Church of Christ Yearbook and Directory provides statistics as reported by local churches and conferences of the UCC. In addition, the Yearbook serves as an organizational directory including the various offices, persons elected by the General Synod to constitute the governing boards of the Ministries and other bodies.
2020 Yearbook Reporting Information
Welcome! This page provides resources to assist you in submitting your annual church information online directly into the Data Hub. You will find helpful tip sheets and videos to assist you. Click here to access the Data Hub.
Annual Yearbook Reporting: Definitions Tip Sheet for Local Churches
(MANDATORY: Serves as a guide for entering the correct information into the UCC Data Hub for annual church reporting.)
Other UCC Giving (Guide to all giving that be included in Other UCC Giving)
Yearbook Guide to Total Church Participants and Community Engagement Categories
Updating Church Contact Information
(If you have a new address, email, website, phone number, etc. this video is for you!)
Updating Annual Church Membership
(A guide on inputting membership additions/removals, baptisms and more.)
Updating Annual Worship Attendance
(Includes average worship attendance, Christian Education/Faith Formation, and Youth program participants)
Updating Annual Financial Data
(A walkthrough on how to update your church income, endowments and expenditures)
Updating Annual Ministerial Support Data
(Instructions for updating annual ministerial compensation)
Letter to Conference Partners
Conference Yearbook Instructions
Conference Financial Reporting Instructions
Conference Finances Tip Sheet