
Webinar Archive

Straight talk about key issues in the midterm election season

Recorded October 22, 2014: https://pbucc.webex.com/pbucc/ldr.php?RCID=1ec6cd99f73e6749c4ce60f79d7e564c

Tired of campaign ads that don’t actually address the real issues at stake in the upcoming elections? Looking for something more than superficial soundbites about the issues that matter to you and your community? The latest in our series of Our Faith Our Vote webinars is for you! Join us on October 22 at 3 pm for a discussion about key issues facing our nation and world as we head into the midterm elections. Our speakers will highlight issues related to the economy, health care and international peace and security from a faith perspective. Join the dialogue and share your questions and concerns. (Stream recording)

Voter Registration – Make every voice heard! (Recorded)

September 23 marks National Voter Registration Day, a good reminder that there is still time to ensure that members of your congregation and community are registered to vote. 

Wondering how to make voter registration opportunities available to your community?  Concerned about the guidelines for nonprofit religious organizations engaging in voter registration and education? This webinar is for you! 

Sign up to participate in the UCC Our Faith Our Vote webinar on voter registration, Friday, September 19 at 3 pm EST.  If you are not able to join the webinar in live time, you can access an archived version through the UCC Our Faith Our Vote website. 

In this pivotal midterm election year, with so many challenges ahead for our nation and the world, much is at stake in choosing our policy decision makers.  You can help make sure that the voices of your community are heard.

(Recorded September 19, 2014 |http://bit.ly/1r73Ohw)

Our Faith Our Vote 2014 (Recorded)

The first Just Practice webinar focused on how members and congregations can be engaged in electoral politics.  Together we explored a number of questions, including:

  • Why we are involved in electoral politics and what is our unique voice as communities of faith?
  • Our Faith Our Vote, a UCC campaign to assist congregations and members to be faithfully engaged in the electoral process.
  • Election rules as they apply to congregations – what we can and can’t do.
  • What is the Voting Rights Amendment Act?  Why is it important for our right to vote and how can we support it.
  • Role of “big” money in campaigns – Why this is an important issue and what we can do about it.
  • Your questions and concerns

(Recorded June 5, 2014)


Congregations Engaging in the Elections (Recorded)

This webinar will focuses on “best practices” from the 2012 Our Faith Our Vote campaign- a time to share stories and ideas about how UCC members and congregations can and are engaging in voter registration, education, and get-out-the-vote. We also explores ways you can incorporate the Our Faith Our Vote campaign into your congregation’s fall programming. Our speakers are UCC justice advocates from congregations around the country who have been actively engaged in the electoral process. (Recorded August 29th, 2012)

When Religion and Politics Meet:  A Conversation About the Role of Religion in the Electoral Process (Recorded)

Although we have heard it said that religion and politics shouldn’t mix, people of faith can and do play an important role in the public square and the political life of our nation.  But what might that role look like, and how can people of faith and houses of worship engage in the electoral process in a healing, respectful and responsible way?  What are some of the legal guidelines for participation by people of faith? What are some of the uses and misuses of religion in political campaigns, and how can people of faith promote civil, thoughtful  dialogue across differences on critical issues of the day. 

Join us for a conversation with Rev. Welton Gaddy, President of the Interfaith Alliance, and K. Hollyn Hollman, general counsel, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty to learn about ways that you and your congregation can become involved! (Recorded: May 15, 2012)