Become a Certified Sacred Conversations to End Racism Facilitator
Begin a restorative racial justice journey with Sacred Conversations to End Racism (SC2ER) by becoming a facilitator trainer.
Sacred Conversation to End Racism moves us beyond just talking about the realities of racism, white supremacy, and white privilege in its many forms. It challenges us to decolonize our very thinking and ways of being, and then leads us to take action to shape a new theology and way of being. This is a groundbreaking resource connected to a strategy and plan of action to end racism throughout our relationships and communities. It is more than another call to action it is a demand to transform into the reality of who God calls us to be. If you consider yourself to be a person of justice, you must take the journey.
Rev. Marvin Silver, Certified SC2ER Facilitator, Associate Conference Minister – Central Atlantic Conference of the United Church of Christ
Sacred Conversations to End Racism facilitator training and education is an intensive study inviting participants to take a deeper look into cultural historical education, the Doctrine of Discovery, and policies and practices enacted by the Christian church resulting in ethnic cleansing, enslavement, and generational trauma. SC2ER examines the roots of racism within federal, state, and local municipalities. As well as white supremacists’ policies and practices developed to oppress and segregate people of African, Native American, Asian, and Latin American descents.
The Sacred Conversations to End Racism facilitator training and education process requires you to make space for deep listening, relearning, reading, and viewing historical and contemporary resources, and truth-telling.
The commitment is a multi-year process as discussed in your interview with certified facilitators.
- Year 1 – Introduction to the SC2ER cultural learning process
- Year 2 – Skill development, participating in SC2ER coaching, small groups, and module development
- Year 3 – Module implementation and ongoing community engagement with abilities to lead workshops and small groups
Anti-racism and racial justice work involves an inward interrogation of biases, prejudices, internalized white supremacy and internalized racism, microaggresive insults and assaults, and overt racist behaviors. SC2ER requires a lifelong commitment toward a restorative racial justice world for all. Restorative racial justice work is internal and external. God did not create superior people groups. Therefore, Christians who claim solidarity with Jesus are called to radical and prophetic ministries of equity, liberation, and justice for all.
Submit an online application of interest for the 2025 cohort Sacred Conversations to End Racism
Application submissions begins September 30, 2024. The deadline to submit applications is December 31, 2024.
For more information contact: Rev. Dr. Velda Love, 216-736-371