Worship Resources

Our Faith Our Vote, which seeks to engage and empower the public witness of the United Church of Christ, is deeply informed by our Christian faith and theological grounding. 

On this page, you will find worship resources to help congregations lift up and affirm the connection between corporate worship and the living out our faith in the public sphere. We offer liturgical resources for use in your own congregations that reflect our call to pray for a more just, peaceful and compassionate world, and to engage in political and public efforts that will help bring it about.

As people of faith, we can play a unique role in election cycles by empowering every voice in our congregations and offering a hope-filled vision of the future for all people.

Resources for Worship

In Hebrew Scripture the word most often translated ‘voice’ is ‘qol.’ This is also the word translated as noise, or sound, or vote. In a broader sense, I would say the Hebrew word, qol, simply means letting oneself be heard. Using our voice to make a sound is certainly one way to be heard, and using our vote is another.

Rev. Traci Blackmon, Associate General Minister of Justice and Local Church Ministries

Observe Vote Faithfully Sunday

We invite you to join with our Ecumenical partners in observing the Sunday before election day as “Vote Faithfully Sunday.” This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate and uplift every voice in our community, reflect on our commitment to the common good and prepare to cast our ballots.

How will you observe Vote Faithfully Sunday? Here are some ideas:

  • Download the Vote Faithfully Sunday Ecumenical toolkitThis toolkit provides helpful, nonpartisan resources for engaging with your congregation and community on Vote Faithfully Sunday. It includes:Worship Resources & Prayers; Action Steps including a Voter Pledge, Voter Mobilization Tips, FAQs & Election Protection Info; And more!
  • Worship: Use the worship materials in the toolkit and below to celebrate Vote Faithfully Sunday
  • Pledge: Invite your members to commit to casting a Ballot in November. Download these “Vote Faithfully Pledge Cards” and collect them through your offering. Send them back to our DC office if your members want to join our UCC Justice Network!
  • Get Out the Vote: Make sure every member of your congregation knows where they can turn for help if they have trouble casting their ballot. Share information about the Election Protection hotlines from our partners.

Possible Song Choices from Sing! Prayer and Praise

13        Love and Justice

16        Come to the Water

47        Why?

50        Song of Mercy

69        God Weeps

77        Blessed Are You

86        Taste and See

101      Make Us All One

112      Come to the Table of Grace

120      Dream God’s Dream

127      Dance of the Spirit

137      Come Sweet Justice

170      We Share a Hunger

178      Here Are Our Hearts

199      Go Make a Difference

Get Engaged with Our Faith Our Vote.

Questions? Contact UCC.

Jessica Quinn
Online Communications Specialist