Epiphany 4A — January 29
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
January 29, 2023
“Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly.”

Call to Worship (inspired by Psalm 15)
One: Holy One, who may abide in your sanctuary? Who may dwell in your sacred creation?
Many: Those who do justice. Those who confront inequities and uplift the oppressed.
One: Holy One, who may abide in your sanctuary? Who may dwell in your sacred creation?
Many: Those who love kindness. Those who love neighbor, friend and foe.
One: Holy One, who may abide in your sanctuary? Who may dwell in your sacred creation?
Many: Those who walk humbly with you. Those who follow your lead and answer your call.
Just and Loving God, we enter into your sacred spaces, in sanctuaries and in homes, in public gatherings and private places. You bridge time and space to forge us as a beloved community. You, O Sovereign, make plain the way of life for us. Encourage us to join your journey, to love your children and creation, and to contribute to your kindom on earth. Amen.
Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Holy Wisdom, you have expressed your hope for us and vision for life abundantly. Many times we settle for a temporary truce over real peace. We avoid confrontation and accountability that builds up and creates a more just world. We refuse to relentlessly pursue your will when discomforted by the cost of discipleship. Forgive us, O God, we pray.
Words of Grace
Receive the good news that each day presents a new opportunity to follow the way of Jesus–to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God. The grace of the Holy One meets us. God embraces and supports us in the turning and will be faithful to strengthen us on the path of righteousness.
Invitation to Generosity
A generous life counters the societal norms that depend on scarcity. Our Loving God creates in abundance so that all may live a full and flourishing life. When we give from our abundance, we proclaim our trust in God’s provision and our love of neighbor.
Prayer of Dedication and Thanksgiving
Just God, we share our humble offering in hope and trust that, through these gifts, your kindom comes and your will is done. Amen.
As you go in the world, hold the blessings of peace.
Be the good news to a world shrouded in brokenness, pain, and despair.
Show the world the kindom that lives in you.
Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.
Do Justice. Love Kindness. Walk Humbly.: Service Prayers for the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany was written by The Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Lindsay, Minister for Worship and Theology, United Church of Christ.