Judith Booker (Class of 2031, At Large) is a proud member of Plymouth United Church of Christ, Detroit, MI, and currently serves as the Board President of the Michigan Conference United Church of Christ. As a member of the Conference’s Faith Formation Mission Area Team and Prophetic Integrity Mission Area Team, Judith is honored to serve a wider community regarding church growth and social justice issues. She serves the United Church of Christ as a member of the Committee on Ministry, Detroit Metropolitan Association. During the Michigan Conference’s recent pursuit for a Transitional Conference Minister, Judith led the process as the Chair of the Search Committee. In addition to her current leadership roles, she was the Moderator of the Detroit Metropolitan Association as well as the Michigan Conference UCC. She continues to champion the Michigan community as a Board member of the Emergency Food and Shelter Program through the United Way for twenty years.
Motivated by a desire to give more to her local church, Judith made the key decision to join the Deacon Board and to later become its President. The fulfillment that she received from that ministry led her toward the Revelation Dance Ministry, where she received the deepest sense of joy and peace. In this creative space, God made room for her additional gifts and talents. Her work as an interior designer for homes, department stores, office buildings, and Detroit Public School spaces, prepared her to be a contributing designer for many of her group’s liturgical dance garments.