Register Your Congregation for Vote for Climate Hope

We know that people are more likely to vote when they make a commitment to others to vote. We also know that the climate crisis is deeply motivating for many potential voters. As a way to put our values and vision into practice, the UCC is conducting a Vote for Climate Hope campaign in 2024.

Between now and November 1st, UCC churches from across the country will be collecting Climate Hope Voter Pledge Cards. Those who pledge to vote will receive a confirmation email with helpful voter information, a one-time reminder of their pledge to vote in the week before the election, and a chance to win one of ten Vote for Climate Hope tumblers featuring the artwork from our 2024 Climate Hope Art Contest for children and youth. The National Setting of the UCC will ship pledge cards to churches at no-cost to congregations. The congregation that collects the most cards will win a pizza party and be automatically nominated as a finalist for the UCC’s annual Dollie Burwell Prophetic Action Award.

“Vote like the future of humanity depends on it—because it does.”

Bill McKibben