Or Maybe Just Google It?
As for the other events of Baasha’s reign, what he did and his achievements, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Israel? – 1 Kings 16:5 (NIV)
The author of the book of Kings meant for this question to be rhetorical. But honestly, it’s a stumper. Perhaps old Baasha’s achievement are written about in the records of the kings of Israel, but I have no way of knowing that. Because it is the general opinion of biblical scholars that the “book of the annals of the kings of Israel” does not exist. At least, not anymore. At some point, every single copy was simply lost.
At the time of its writing, the author of 1 Kings could dash off a cheeky instruction, “Just go read about it in the annals of the kings,” as if that settled all follow-up questions. It has the same tone as someone replying to a question with a curt “Google is your friend.”
We live in a different world than that of the ancient Near East. What was obvious to them is inaccessible to us. What makes clear sense to us would be unimaginable to them. The work of reading and learning from the Bible is more than mere translation. Understanding the Bible is an act of world-crossing. It requires a desire to step into another person’s shoes. It requires the humility to know that the way I view the world is not a universal default. It requires stepping into the unknown and embracing the truth that my own ideas will have to change if I am to understand the world of another.
All of that can be found and learned in just one verse of the Bible. Wowzers! What a treasure.
Thank you, God, for the gift of holy scripture.

Rev. John Edgerton is Senior Minister and CEO of Old South Church in Boston. He is the 21st Senior minister in the congregation’s over 350 year history.