Because I’m Happy
Everyone who honors the Lord, who walks in God’s ways, is truly happy! You will definitely enjoy what you’ve worked hard for—you’ll be happy; and things will go well for you. – Psalm 128:1-2 (CEB)
Commercials tell me I’ll find happiness with skin-smoothing serums and weight-loss medicines. Self-help books tell me the secret to happiness is simplifying my stressors and meditating my moods swings away. I’ve bought all the products and taken all the advice, but happiness never seems to stick around for long. It’s fickle and fleeting, riding in like a wave and washing away just as quickly.
And yet, here’s the psalmist, claiming that happiness is not only possible, but it will also bring enjoyment to hard work and make things go well for you. Seriously, psalmist? You know the magic formula? If so, then take all my money!
The difference with what the psalmist says is that instead of focusing on ourselves and fixing our flaws, we will find happiness when we look to God. Walking in God’s ways means seeking justice and peace instead of seeking smoother skin. It’s a prescription for humility and compassion instead of the newest miracle medicine. It’s less about self-help and more about helping others.
That doesn’t mean it’s easy to do; the psalmist never mentions easy. Learning to walk in God’s ways is like, well, learning to walk: it takes a lot of practice and many tumbles before it becomes intuitive. But if the psalmist is right, the hard work will lead us to a happiness that can’t be quantified or commodified, only experienced as extravagant love and endless hope, and that’s a happiness worth seeking.
If you’re happy and you know God, clap your hands.
Liz Miller serves as the Designated Pastor of Granby Congregational Church, UCC and is the author of Only Work Sundays: A Laidback Guide to Doing Less while Helping Your Church Thrive.