Congregational and Community Engagement
The United Church of Christ is strong because of its local congregations. The Minister for Congregation and Community Engagement is a part of the Faith Education, Innovation, Formation (FaithINFO) team and our work is to support those congregations in programmatic, visionary, and strategic work that moves us towards faithfulness and vitality in intergenerational community. If you are interested in learning more about how our team and Rev. ellie hutchison can help resource your congregation and community centered in Justice and Love, please send us an email!
The FaithINFO Team
Grants and Scholarships
Manual on Local Church
Ecosystem of Partners
What a gift it is to be in this world alongside so many who are actively living into the world of the Still Speaking G-d. Below are the links to the organizations/seminaries/collectives that are working regionally throughout the country to help meet congregations where they are and provide new ways of thinking and being in community with one another. Please visit their websites or reach out to Rev. ellie hutchison for more information.
Nurture the Soul
Nurture the Soul is a weekly webinar that provides our local churches and faith practitioners with multitudes of practical, educational, innovative, and formational resources to engage with the critical topics of our time and center care and education for the people of G-d. From cultural and community organizing to congregational leadership, from worship and theology to resourcing small and rural churches, from ministry with youth and children to a wide range justice issues. We feature guest theologians, preachers, artists, authors and key leaders. Nurture the Soul stays current to how the Gospel is alive in this time. View the complete Nurture the Soul playlist on YouTube. If you are interested in participating or have an idea of a topic you’d like to see, please feel free to reach out Rev. ellie hutchison, the host for the Nurture the Soul series.
Frontline Faith Offerings
Frontline Faith is the United Church of Christ’s online learning platform meant to resource the local church to engage you deeper into the topics that are most relevant to our current times. Please visit and signup for an account and then search through the offerings. If there is something that you think is missing and would like to see it on this platform, please feel free to reach out to Rev. ellie hutchison to see what dreaming is possible.