Palm/Passion Sunday – April 13

April 13, 2025
Palm/Passion Sunday
Luke 19:28-40 | “Sent”

Call to Worship (Inspired by Psalm 118)
L:Give thanks to God, for God is good.
P: God’s steadfast love endures forever!
L:This is the day that God has made.
P:Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
L:Blessed is the one who comes in the name of God.
P: God has given us light.
L:Give thanks to God, for God is good.
P: God’s steadfast love endures forever!

Gracious God, let us trust in your presence with us in all times, the sad and scary times as well as the joyous celebrations. Open us to receive you anew today. Amen.

Prayer for Transformation and New Life
Gracious God, as we enter this Holy Week, we may be tempted to skip parts of the story that begins with Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, There are challenging chapters ahead of us in this week. We may want to turn away from the betrayals and hardships and suffering in the Passion Story, just as we too often turn away from the hardships and suffering of people in our own time. Forgive us when our focus slips. Bring us back to the path you set before us. Renew our strength and increase our faithfulness. Amen.

Words of Grace
Receive this good news: God reaches out to us to draw us close. in the name of Jesus, your sins are forgiven.

Invitation to Generosity
Let us return to God a portion of what we have been given.

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication
Gracious God, use our offerings and our lives to bring wholeness to this world.

As we continue through Holy Week, listen for the voice and guidance of Jesus, rather than responding to the shouts of the crowd. Whatever this week brings into your life. God is with you. May you trust in the blessings of God today and always.

Sent: Service Prayers for Palm/Passion Sunday in Lent Year C was written by the Rev. Ruth Garwood, a transitional pastor in the Heartland Conference, a certified facilitator of Sacred Conversations to End Racism, and a certified InterPlay leader.