A heartfelt farewell for Jim Moos

The United Church of Christ bade an emotional farewell to the Rev. Jim Moos Monday, celebrating his eight-year ministry as one of the denomination’s national officers. Moos has served two terms, first as executive minister of Wider Church Ministries, then as associate general minister of Global Engagement. He also lead, as co-executive of Global Ministries, the common overseas ministry of the UCC and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

“The constant refrain of Jim Moos ministry among us was this. Programs are important, but relationships are everything,”’ said the Rev. Penny Lowes, associate moderator.  “Jim prioritized the building of relationships built by trust, mutuality and respect.”

General Synod  delegates gave Moos a standing ovation after joining in the litany of releasing a minister of service, led by the Rev. Keith Mills, conference minister of the Northern Plains Conference and UCC General Minister and President the Rev. John Dorhauer.

In a video tribute, past and present colleagues of Moos praised his compassion, dedication and sense of humor. Dorhauer presented Moos with a stole and expressed his deep appreciation of Moos’ service. Moos spoke emotionally, asserting that any accomplishments that might be cited from his term of office were not his, but rather the work of the wider church.

“This moment is not about the legacy of Jim Moos,” he said. “It’s about something far more important. It’s about how the church fulfills God’s mission. One person is not effective apart from the whole.”

Categories: United Church of Christ News

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