Advent: A Season of Preparation: Faith-Based Organizing for Justice

What will the world look like when justice comes?  And how do we prepare for its arrival? 

“Advent is the season Christians are called to prepare for the coming of Jesus in the world, and where Jesus shows up, justice is the call and response.” -Rev. Dr. Velda Love

The United Church of Christ and the National Council of Churches have joined forces to offer faith-based organizing training to the wider church and beyond. During this Advent season of viral pandemics, racial injustice, economic uncertainty, physical isolation, and socio-political strife, how does one prepare for what is to come? Advent is the season Christians are called to prepare for the coming of Jesus in the world and, with Jesus, the in-breaking of justice. What distinguishes faith-based organizing from other trainings is our reason why. These trainings are built on a foundation of discipleship. 

Over the course of four sessions we will gain tools to help us understand: basic organizing & embodiment; direct action & risk assessment; communication & accompaniment; and trauma care and healing space. Each sessions also includes space for interaction, questions, and downloadable resources. 

Join us for a four-session series of faith-based organizing training for justice that explore four theological framings of resistance as discipleship. Trainers include Rev. Osagyefo Sekou, Rev. Tracy Howe, Rev. Vahisha Hasan, and Rev. Seth Wispelwey. The series is moderated by Rev. Dr. Velda Love.

Each session features a different theologian:

  • Session 1: Embodiment & Organizing Basics
  • Session 2: Direct Action & Risk Assessment
  • Session 3: Communication & Accompaniment
  • Session 4: Trauma Care & Healing Space

Register for all, or individual sessions here. 

Categories: Column Getting to the Root of It

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