All Prayers from the People’s Prayers for Peace

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Holy Spirit,  We give thanks for this next generation of young people coming up in the…

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Prayers for peace in Middle East and Ukraine as well as areas of Africa in civil war and…

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God, Grant us…  Peace of mind when current events and global events have us feeling…

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We pray for clarity   We pray for justice  We pray for human…

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Holy Creator,   Give us strength to continue our work toward a Just World For…

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Dear God,   May we learn all the ways in which this world needs us May we follow in…

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A Prayer of Thanksgiving for Juneteenth We give thanks to Godfor freedom and emancipation…

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We acknowledge the journey of many among us who have been wounded by exclusion and judgment,…

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O Love, Open our heartsTo see each otherAs you see us,Beloved and lovelyBeautiful and full…

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Holy One, be present wherever there is hatred, bigotry, terror, violence, war, or occupation….

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Praise God! Thank you to those reading this, and the entire world, for the realization of…

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May we live the Great Commandment to love. Amen Loree Grinnell, Jackson,…

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As you are aware, Holy One, we do not hear their cries. “Red and yellow, black and white,…

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Holy One, With a nation that is so divided, we are reminded that You are not the author of…

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Gracious and loving God We are living in extremely trying, and chaotic times. We also…

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I pray for those who are grieving: a loss, an opportunity, a loved one. God, remind us that we…

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Holy God May peace not just be a calming idea But a real promise Known in our…

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God, Show us the way to make love and acceptance the norm and not the…

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Peace and justice. Lord let peace and justice take root in all the power centers of the world….

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Lord I pray for those struggling with mental health and addiction. I pray that you grant…

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Holy One, let our church remember discipleship, remember the Jesus who opposed a foreign…

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For countries in economic crisis where scarcity makes faith challenging and survival mode…

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Peace everywhere. Truth in the political arena and in the pulpit Food for the hungry in…

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Prayers for the smaller congregations that need to be reminded that Jesus is walking with…

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Our hearts cry out, O God, for peace. For justice. For wisdom. For the ones seeking to bring…

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God of Hope and Justice, You taught us to love and not seek revenge, to hope and not despair,…

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Gracious God, please watch over my family, my extended family, my in-laws, and my friends and…

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Mighty God, In Jesus’ name, I pray for all my siblings whoever they might be, Your mercy and…

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I pray for the safety of the children of Gaza. I pray for a ceasefire. -Leah, Instagram…

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Imaginative Creator, who saw fit to design us all, each and every one of us, in the divine…

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I pray for more kindness and patience. For more acceptance and inclusiveness. Let us raise…

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Oh God help me to be who I want to be in life -Allice Elias, Facebook post Learn…

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I pray for peace and reconciliation among all people. May we find a way to care for and love…

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Lord, today we pray for our LGBTQIA siblings who are continuously subjected to the world’s…

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Let us pray for Just Peace around the globe. Let us see that on the inside we are all the…

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Lord, I pray for peace in this world that always seems to be ravaged by violence and hate….

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Please bless us, Creator, with the wisdom to finally stop killing one another in your name….

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Father, in these times of war, hunger and distraction, make your presence clear to those who…

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Prince of Peace, Energy of the Universe, Creator of Love, Love Itself, sweep through the…

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I pray for the healing of the nations so hatred, discrimination, bigotry, violence and war…

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Lord, please help all those who suffer from guilt and shame to remember that you are a not a…

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O holy and merciful God, I ask that your Holy Spirit moves through all people, and may it be a…

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Help us in this time of becoming so we can see a way forward through this pain and…

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I pray for the people caught up in the wars in the Ukraine and Gaza. -Linda…

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I pray that people find inner peace. That they learn to forgive instead of fight. That they…

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Creator of Love, Without peace we have – Too many homes with empty seats at the…

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Holy Author of Life, we pause to breathe your Spirit in and We pray for peace for all…

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God of all the Nations, help us to remember that we are citizens and servant-leaders, first…

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God of peace and healing, We ask you to be a source of hope and strength for those who are…

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God, bring peace to us, that we may be peacemakers in our community, that our community may…

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Loving God, As we hear the news of the Middle East, our hearts ache for the people, from…

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Loving and challenging God, We hear and see and know the words and actions and teachings of…

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I pray for peace and harmony throughout the world! -Anonymous Learn more about the…

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I pray for families who have disabled or seriously ill family members – for the parents who…

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Lord Jesus. You know righteous violence and hurt first hand so please comfort those feeling…

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We pray for peace and support for all who are living on the street and for all who minister to…

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Dear God, please end the devastating conflicts around the world. Please help us live together…

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Dear Jesus, Give us your peace that the world cannot give so that all your children – young…

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Holy God, source of peace, provider of light – thank you for making peace possible. Thank you…

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Holy Spirit, Guide our community towards kind actions. Amen -Anonymous,…

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Let there be peace on earth. Amen -Leslie Lauderdale, Illinois Learn more about the…

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God of hope and God of Resurrection: We need hope in these days. So much violence, so much…

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The United Church of Christ is deeply concerned over the widening of active warfare in the…

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Today, I ask that we pray together for peace, peace through the love of God. God, guide us…

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God, help us. -Victor Coriano Learn more about the People’s Prayers for Peace, share…

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Creator of starshine and giver of light, Let us stoke the fires of love for one…

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Oh God… You know what is happening in the world, and we know you are in…

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I am grateful for the places of peace that exist on this Earth. May peace spread to all…

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Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To…

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Divine Creator, Though realities of violence and injustices bring heavy hearts, we uphold…

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Abwoon, Giver of life, Breath of our souls, You hear our sorrows.Turn Your listening ear to…

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Creator, May you help us ease the pains, fears, and accumulated insults of suffering…

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Holy Spirit, fill our hearts and minds with love and hope for our neighbors, our community,…

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O Holy One, war & conflict grips so many places in our world. Violence & injustice…

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O God, our hearts break for the lives lost, the lives limited by fear, the lives overcome by…

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I pray for the staff of World Central Kitchen, who were killed in Gaza while trying to feed…

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Loving and merciful God, we lift up to you the people of the Middle East, especially the…

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I pray for all who are struggling with mental health — for peace of mind and a peaceful…

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Holy God, there is much around us causing death, grief and sadness. Conflicts continue to…

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Nurturing God, we are out of words for our disdain for the state of our world. In the midst of…

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Lord, make us an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hate…love. Where there is…

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Spirit of the Living God and the Resurrected Christ, Today we pray for the wounded healers…

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Divine Love, thank you for the gift of spiritual resurrection. Caring Creator, thank you for…

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Dear God, may the sending of this prayer be smooth, without hiccup or delay, delivering my…

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As a parent has compassion on their children,     so…

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