An Open Letter to the United Methodist Church

The United Church of Christ, an Open and Affirming Communion of the Body of Christ, practices a belief in both a still-speaking God and an extravagant welcome. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, through the faithful renderings of our sacred texts, and standing in a long line of reformers who have come before us we proclaim with great fervor that no matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome.

We hold in prayer those whose past wounds have been reopened by the recent debates of the governing body gathered in St. Louis. The Body of Christ has, throughout its long history, not always been kind and loving to those who live outside its established norms and conformities. We confess to our own history and complicity with racism, misogyny, transphobia, and homophobia. Our hope is that we can and will continue to struggle with our closed hearts and minds as we seek to live more fully into the vision of God’s shalom for all.

We hold in prayer the entire Body of Christ around the world. It is living through a time of division and separation as it struggles to wrestle with what have become irreconcilable differences. There are countless wounded on all sides of these divisions, and as a uniting communion called to find the common ground in support of a hoped for vision of unity within diversity we suffer alongside our United Methodist kindred who today feel the deep pain of a new brokenness.

Know that we stand ready to serve all who are in need of healing and all who seek simply to know the power of the risen Christ fully articulated in the expression of a love that knows no bounds.

We understand that it is with great sadness and a good deal of grief that many will have been left to feel unwelcome in a spiritual home that gave you hope, sustenance, and nurturance. Many of us have felt the sting of that same rejection – and know full well the grief that attaches to it.

We hold the entire United Methodist Church in prayer as it seeks to heal and to express its faith in light of their understandings of scripture and the gospel.

In solidarity with all who call on Jesus, we remain humbly servants of the gospel in search of a more full articulation of love,


The Rev. Dr. John C. Dorhauer
General Minister and President

The Rev. Traci Blackmon
Associate General Minister of Justice and Local Church Ministries

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The Rev. James Moos
Associate General Minister of Global Engagement and Operations

Andrew Lang
Executive Director
Open and Affirming Coalition of United Church of Christ


Categories: Column From the General Minister and President

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