“Be Prophetic, not Partisan! Navigating the Do’s and Don’ts for Churches” — a Nurture the Soul webinar
In this presidential election year, many church leaders and congregations are concerned about where to draw the line between religion and politics.
The United Church of Christ’s mission calls to “welcome all, love all, and seek justice for all.” As a denomination committed to such values and justice for all, the UCC believes in speaking boldly in the public square through public policy advocacy — as well as election engagement — that collectively shapes our common life together.
On Thursday, July 25 at 3:30 p.m. Eastern, a Nurture the Soul webinar entitled “Navigating Election Do’s & Don’ts for Churches – Be Prophetic, Not Partisan!” will be hosted by Heather Kimmel, the UCC’s general counsel, and the Rev. Michael Neuroth, director of the UCC Office of Public Policy & Advocacy.
Assessing risk
Kimmel invites all those with concerns and questions to join the webinar. “Churches, like all 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations, are strictly prohibited from engaging in partisan political activity. That doesn’t mean that churches can’t engage in any political activity. Learn how to assess the risk of your church’s activities during an election year.”
Neuroth said, “My hope is that in this session we can dispel any myths or misinformation around what the IRS guidelines are, and also prompt churches to consider how they can be both BOLD and legal in how they engage this year’s election. Too often, uncertainty about these guidelines keeps us from speaking out on the issues or shying away even from those activities that are perfectly legal for nonprofits to engage in.”
Critical to remain informed
He continued, “Given what is at stake, and the impact that policymakers and laws have on our communities, it is critical that we are well informed on how to stay within these guidelines while working to encourage all citizens to exercise their right to vote – and vote their values. The UCC’s Our Faith Our Vote website has a variety of resources and blogposts on the issues at stake this election.”
More will be added in the coming months, along with a series of webinars our office will host this fall under the theme “Vote with Love!”
You can register for the webinar here. If you cannot attend the live event, a link will be sent out with the recording of the webinar.
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