Ministerial Updates for June 2024
Ministerial changes reported in the Data Hub—the UCC’s information system for ministers and churches—for new positions/calls entered into the system in June 2024.
CC: Congregational Christian |
CM: Commissioned Minister |
DS: Dual Standing |
LM: Licensed Minister |
LMS: Lay Ministerial Standing MID: Member in Discernment |
MS: Ordained Ministerial Partner Standing |
OM: Ordained Minister |
POC: Privilege of Call |
U: Unknown/No UCC Standing |
P: Pastor |
SP: Senior Pastor |
DT: Designated-Term Pastor |
CP: Co-pastor |
AP: Associate or Assistant Pastor |
IN: Interim Pastor |
SU: Supply Pastor |
Y: Youth Ministry |
OL: Other local church position |
MM: Minister of Music |
CE: Director of Christian Education |
OM, Steven Craft, P, Zions Reformed UCC, Greenville, PA
OM, Emily Culp Ashby, AP, United Church of Christ of Kent, Kent, OH
OM, Anne Frieze, SU, North Congregational Church, UCC, New Hartford, CT
U, Donald Funk, P, Zion United Church of Christ, Blain, PA
U, Donald Funk, P, Sandy Hill UCC, Loysville, PA
U, Robert Grow, P, Grace United Church of Christ of Loyal Oak, Norton, OH
U, Ryan Howell, SP, Crossroads Church, Loveland, CO
OM, Michael Kasevich, IN, Bethlehem UCC, Tenth Legion, VA
OM, Joslin Kearse, IN, Immanuel UCC, Catonsville, MD
U, Jonathan Paredes, P, First Church of Christ Congregational, UCC, Bethany, CT
OM, Marsha Quick, P, United Church of Christ, Clinton, MI
OM, Benjamin Reynolds, IN, Peoples Congregational UCC, Washington, DC
OM, Eleanor Richardson, P, Christ Church United, Dracut, MA
OM, David Schnaars, DT, New Bethel Union Church UCC, Kempton, PA
U, Jeff Shanaberger, IN, Saint Luke’s UCC, Lititz, PA
OM, William Terry, P, First Congregational United Church of Christ, Jefferson, OH
U, Christine VanDeWege, AP, Wellesley Congregational Church UCC, Wellesley, MA
OM, Derek White, IN, East Weymouth Congregational Church UCC, East Weymouth, MA
U, Zachary Wooten, P, Willow Street UCC, Willow Street, PA
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