Ministerial Updates for January 2017
Ministerial changes reported in the Data Hub—the UCC’s information system for ministers and churches—for new positions/calls entered into the system in January 2017.
CC: Congregational Christian |
CM: Commissioned Minister |
DS: Dual Standing |
LM: Licensed Minister |
MID: Member in Discernment |
MS: Ordained Ministerial Partner Standing |
OM: Ordained Minister |
POC: Privilege of Call |
U: Unknown/No UCC Standing |
P: Pastor |
SP: Senior Pastor |
DT: Designated-Term Pastor |
CP: Co-pastor |
AP: Associate or Assistant Pastor |
IN: Interim Pastor |
SU: Supply Pastor |
Y: Youth Ministry |
OL: Other local church position |
MM: Minister of Music |
CE: Director of Christian Education |
LM, Louis Aita, P, Emmanuel UCC, Mountain Top, PA
OM, J. Askew, P, Congregational Christian UCC, Windsor, VA
OM, Kenneth Briggs, P, Congregational Christian UCC, Truro, IA
U, Mike Brost, SU, Congregational UCC, Blairsburg, IA
OM, Paul Burden, P, Saint Peter and Saint Paul UCC, Cincinnati, OH
OM, Jodi Bushdiecker, P, Community UCC, Bountiful, UT
U, Sharon Cates, SU, First Congregational UCC, Whiting, IA
OM, Sandy Cheatham, P, United Church of Christ, Blaine, WA
OM, Brenda Clark, P, Grace United Church of Christ, Greencastle, PA
OM, Arthur Clippinger, IN, Grace United Church of Christ, Massillon, OH
LM, Cynthia Coffin-Langdon, P, Peace United Church of Christ, Duluth, MN
U, John Cole, SP, First United Church of Oak Park, Oak Park, IL
U, Jeremiah Cooper, P, First Congregational UCC, Mitchellville, IA
MID, Candace Datz, CE, First Congregational UCC, Colorado Springs, CO
LM, Jennifer Davidson, OL, First-Plymouth Congregational UCC, Lincoln, NE
OM, Thomas Dean, P, Rangeley Congregational UCC, Rangeley, ME
U, John Deuble, IN, Saint James UCC, Saline, MI
OM, Louis Dorsch, SU, College Hill UCC, Bloomville, OH
OM, Louis Dorsch, SU, Saint John’s UCC, Bloomville, OH
OM, Kaji Dousa, SP, Park Avenue Christian Church, Manhattan, NY
OM, James Dunn, IN, Saint Paul’s UCC, Pottstown, PA
LM, Lisa Eleck, OL, First Church of Christ in Hartford, UCC, Hartford, CT
U, Ann Ferraro, MM, South Britain Congregational Church, Southbury, CT
OM, Marta Fioriti, CE, Broadmoor Community UCC, Colorado Springs, CO
OM, Larissa Forsythe, AP, Congregational Church in South Glastonbury UCC, South Glastonbury, CT
MID, Karen Fournier, OL, First Congregational UCC, Oxford, MA
OM, Thomas Fritz, IN, Saint John’s UCC, Black Creek, WI
U, Ray Fulbright, P, Saint John’s UCC, Niles, MI
U, Linda Garrison, P, Clemons UCC, Clemons, IA
OM, Marlea Gilbert, IN, First Congregational UCC, Milton, WI
U, David Grandon, P, Community Cong UCC, Manchester, IA
MS, David Green, P, Salem United Church of Christ, Doylestown, PA
U, Rodney Gross, IN, Lazarus UCC, Lineboro, MD
OM, Charles Guerreno, IN, First Congregational UCC, Saint Joseph, MI
U, Susan Hartley, IN, Black Forest Community UCC, Colorado Springs, CO
U, Abigail Henrich, IN, Stratford Street UCC, West Roxbury, MA
OM, Genavieve Heywood, P, Veradale United Church of Christ, Spokane Valley, WA
OM, Michelle Holdorf, P, First Congregational UCC, Wisconsin Rapids, WI
OM, Karen Howe, P, First Congregational UCC, Pueblo, CO
LM, Allen Hoyt, IN, Congregational Christian Church of Somerset UCC, Somerset, MA
U, Ted Izumikawa, AP, Union Church of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
OM, Tomi Jacobs-Ziobro, P, Higganum Congregational Church, Higganum, CT
OM, Tomi Jacobs-Ziobro, P, First Congregational Church of Haddam, UCC, Haddam, CT
OM, David Jennys, P, New Joy Community Church UCC, Sioux Falls, SD
OM, Teresa Jones, IN, Church of the Painted Hills UCC, Tucson, AZ
OM, Tamera Keller-Love, P, Harvard Family UCC, Oak Park, IL
OM, Lisa Kerestesi, SU, First Hungarian Reformed Church of Homestead UCC, Munhall, PA
OM, Jeffrey Kistler, IN, Ziegel United Church of Christ, Breinigsville, PA
OM, Liza Knapp, P, The First Church of Deerfield, Deerfield, MA
OM, Deborah Kohler, IN, First Congregational UCC, Coloma, MI
MID, Kathryn Light, P, Elm Street Congregational UCC, Southbridge, MA
U, James Luder, P, Saint John UCC, Fort Madison, IA
OM, Diane Martin, P, Church in the Wildwood Community UCC, Green Mountain Falls, CO
MID, Susan Maxwell, P, Centre Street Congregational UCC, Machias, ME
OM, Peter Mercer, P, First Congregational Church, Durham, ME
U, Yvonne Miloyevich, P, First Federated Church, Hudson, MA
OM, M. Molsberry, IN, First Congregational UCC, DeWitt, IA
U, Steven Moore, P, The Church in the Gardens, Queens, NY
U, Lydia Mulkey, CE, First United Church of Oak Park, Oak Park, IL
U, Gerald Neal, SU, United Congregational Methodist Church UCC, Lewis, IA
OM, Danielle Neff, P, Mount Zion UCC, York, PA
U, Jon Noble, SU, United Trinity Church, Hamburg, IA
OM, Paula Norbert, P, First Congregational Church, Kennebunkport, ME
U, Robert Nystrom, SP, United Church of Ovid, Ovid, MI
MID, Allen O’Brien, DT, Elk Grove Congregational Church UCC, Elk Grove, CA
OM, Cora Oliver, IN, First Congregational UCC, Salem, OR
OM, Kelli Parrish Lucas, AP, Community Church UCC, Altadena, CA
OM, Joshua Pittman, P, Friedens UCC, Saint Charles, MO
U, Alicia Reese, Y, First United Church of Oak Park, Oak Park, IL
OM, Robert Rock, SU, Faith UCC, Frederick, MD
U, Hafidha Saadiqah, P, The Village Church, Maumee, OH
OM, Deborah Schwartz, P, Friedens Reformed UCC, Sumneytown, PA
U, Evelyn Simpson, SU, Saint John UCC, Fort Madison, IA
OM, Nancy Taylor, P, First Congregational UCC, Oshkosh, WI
LM, Testy Test, IN, First Congregational UCC, Alameda, CA
POC, Eric Wefald, P, Payson Park Church, Belmont, MA
U, Tom Williams, IN, Peace United Church of Christ, Brillion, WI
MID, Andrew Wilson, DT, Saint Peter Evangelical UCC, Granite City, IL
The Center for Analytics, Research and Data (CARD) provides oversight of the UCC Data Hub through which ministerial changes are made. However, Conferences and Associations are responsible for reporting changes and maintaining ministerial records in this system. If you have questions about this information, please contact the appropriate Conference or Association.