September 2016

Dear Committee on Ministry colleagues,
As many of our local churches settle into the rhythms of the new program year, your Committees on Ministry may be preparing to start a new year of Information Reviews with the authorized ministers in your regions.
The annual Information Review is one of our basic practices of accountability with authorized ministers. It’s a simple piece of paper, but the Information Review makes sure that our (“our” = associations, conferences, and the United Church of Christ) information is up-to-date on all authorized ministers. Having up-to-date information ensures that Committees on Ministry can actually get in touch with authorized ministers to provide support and accountability. The Information Review is also an opportunity for Committees on Ministry to remind authorized ministers of the Committees’ availability for support as needed.
Because the Information Review is an annual requirement of authorized ministers to continue to hold ministerial standing, it’s essential for Committees on Ministry to make sure that each authorized minister receives an Information Review form on a yearly basis. The Ministerial Excellence, Support & Authorization (MESA) Team provides a two-page Information Review form to help Committees on Ministry collect contact information along with updates about authorized ministers’ ongoing discernment and vocational development.
When your Committees on Ministry send (and collect) Information Reviews forms – at whatever time of year your COMs take care of those forms – be sure to indicate clearly where the forms should be returned, whether to the COM or to the association or to the conference. Whoever is responsible in your region for making changes to the UCC Data Hub should in turn be given any updated information from those Information Review forms in a timely fashion.
MESA adds its prayers to the many that surround your Committees’ ongoing work, and we offer our availability in support as you need. Online resources from MESA for COMs can be found at
Many blessings,
Rachel Hackenberg

The Rev. Rachel G. Hackenberg
Minister for Committee on Ministry Resources & Conference Support
Ministerial Excellence, Support & Authorization (MESA) Team
Local Church Ministries, United Church of Christ

Categories: Column COMma

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