Worshippers Dedicate Pledges to Be Creation Care Voters


Church of the Covenant in Boston participated in the Creation Care Voter Project as a part of our Sunday morning worship on October 14th. We wanted very much to support this initiative in time for it to influence our congregants as they prayerfully decided on their voting choices, so we invited those worshipping with us to take the Creation Care Voter Pledge. Through this pledge, persons commit to consistently vote their values in caring for God’s creation. Thanks to a partnership with the Environmental Voter Project those who make pledge receive free reminders to show up for each election.

October 14th was the start of our annual stewardship drive at Church of the Covenant, which fit in perfectly with the emphasis of the Creation Care Voter Pledge! Our stewardship campaign this year stresses the concepts of stewardship and generosity, both of which align beautifully with the motivation behind becoming a Creation Care Voter. Our worship service included a Moment for Mission in which we were reminded of our responsibility not just to exercise stewardship in contributions to our church, but also our need to be respectful and faithful stewards of the earth. And the focus on generosity was a splendid reminder of how generous the earth is to all of us, showering us with beauty and, indeed, even giving us life!

During the offering worshippers placed their Creation Care Voter Pledge Cards into the offering plate, and these cards were blessed along with the usual financial tithes and offerings.


Church of the Covenant is a federated church of the United Church of Christ and Presbyterian Church USA. Barbara Darling is the Chair of Church of the Covenant’s Consumption and Justice Group.

Categories: Column The Pollinator: UCC Environmental Justice Blog

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