Daily Devotional for Small Group Discussion: Make Yourself Useful
Discussion Questions
1. Is there a leadership role in worship you have never tried but are interested in experiencing?
2. When you are gathered with others for worship, whether online or in person, how do you feel like your presence contributes to the experience?
3. Can you think of someone who shared their spiritual gifts – perhaps singing, reading scripture, praying, or preaching – during worship in a way that was meaningful or surprising to you?
When you gather for worship, each one of you be prepared with something that will be useful for all: Sing a hymn, teach a lesson, tell a story, lead a prayer, provide an insight. – 1 Corinthians 14:26 (MSG)
Our Deacons recently made a significant change in worship. We had extensive deliberations, weighed possible unintended consequences, and reached out to impacted stakeholders. We instituted a four-week trial period before reconvening to evaluate the results. We diligently researched church history to ensure we would not disrupt the ghosts of any ancestors lurking nearby.
We almost had to call an occupational therapist to negate the effects of all the hand wringing, but after much discernment we determined that – with the right training and encouragement – adults were just as qualified as children to be worship acolytes.
This is, of course, hyperbole, but the truth is not too far off. Introducing adult acolytes was a real change that we really worried over.
The report back after the first Sunday: the adult acolyte shared the same ratio of delight, eagerness, and reverence that our kiddos embody. They walked down the aisle with steady, careful steps, shoulders back and head high. As their flame dipped into the waiting candles, they snuck a look at their pastor, and our grins mirrored back at each other. Peace settled over the sanctuary; we were ready to worship.
We know that trying new things in worship is as important a spiritual practice as repetition and tradition, but we often forget that includes allowing for different people to offer different gifts or to step into different roles. Why not a lay preacher or a skillful storyteller? Why not a slightly off-pitch soloist who is full of the Spirit? Why not say yes to someone new who has an insight to share, a prayer to offer, a candle to light?
Make me useful, God, and may my gifts be used to worship you.

Ellis Miller serves as the Designated Pastor of Granby Congregational Church, UCC and is the author of Only Work Sundays: A Laidback Guide to Doing Less while Helping Your Church Thrive.