Something for the Post-Christmas Blues
I said to myself, “Let’s go for it—experiment with pleasure, have a good time!” … Then I took a good look at everything I’d done, looked at all the sweat and hard work. But when I looked, I saw nothing but smoke. Smoke and spitting into the wind. There was nothing to any of it. Nothing. – Ecclesiastes 2:1a, 11 (MSG)
We got super into the Christmas Spirit this year. At-home Advent devotionals, cheesy Christmas movies, icicle lights trimming the house. Embracing my suburban-middle-aged-dad-ness, I even turned the lamp post into a Christmas tree. It’s stunning(ly gaudy).
We’ve decided to keep up the decorations until Lent. Figured we might need some extra light and wonder. A little something to stave off the post-Christmas blues. But I know it’s temporary. I’ll probably get wicked bummed out after I put away everything. Was it all Nothing?
With apologies to Drs. Thurman and Seuss, it can be hard for me to hold onto the hope, peace, joy, and love of Christmas without the visual cues. I know I should internalize it. Deck the halls of my weary winter heart with the bright light of God’s radiant glory no matter the season and all that. But for those dark, dreary days when the inner light needs extra wattage, it’d be nice to have a little outer something to outshine the dreaded inner feeling that it’s all Nothing.
Maybe I’ll keep up one little light as a reminder. Or the gaudy lamp post. Ah, heck! Maybe I’ll keep up all the decorations—inside and out! But what would the neighbors think?!
Well, maybe they also need a little outer something to outshine the dreaded inner Nothing.
Radiant God, illuminate my heart with the glow of your Everything year-round.
Chris Mereschuk (He/Him) is an Unsettled Pastor based in Northampton, MA. He is the Founder of RevCJM, LLC Consulting & Coaching, specializing in vitality, transformation, and Legacy.