The Year in Review: Going Out Praising
Praise the Almighty! Praise the Exalted from the heavens; praise her on the heights! Praise her, all her angels; praise her, all her starry warriors! – Psalm 148:1-2 (Gafney, A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church: Year A)
For times of grand plans and high hopes; for times of chaos and disappointments —
Praise the Architect of Life!
For times of plenty; for times of want —
Praise the Abundant One!
For times of breathing easy; for times when you couldn’t catch your breath —
Praise the Source of Spirit!
For times of we’ll-never-make-it-through; for times of thank-God-we-made-it —
Praise the Way-Out-of-No-Way!
For times of healing; for times of woundedness —
Praise the Anointing One!
For times of wholeness; for times of brokenness —
Praise the One!
For times of appreciation; for times of thanklessness —
Praise the Name Above All Names!
For times of adulation; for times of persecution —
Praise the Divine Advocate!
For times surrounded by friends in solidarity; for times abandoned in solitude —
Praise the One-Who-Sees-Us!
For times of harmony and peace; for times of turmoil and unrest —
Praise the Unfaltering One!
For times of knowing; for times of unknowing —
Praise the Source of Wisdom!
For times of welcoming newness and transformation; for times of grieving death and loss —
Praise the Consoling One!
For times past and times to come, the year behind and the year ahead —
Praise, praise, praise!
For all things in all times, may we go out praising, praising, praising! Amen!
Chris Mereschuk (He/Him) is an Unsettled Pastor based in Northampton, MA. He is the Founder of RevCJM, LLC Consulting & Coaching, specializing in vitality, transformation, and Legacy.