What a Kingdom
All kings will bow before him, and all nations will serve him. – Psalm 72:11 (NLT)
Imagine a government with no military weapons. Or a regime with no armed forces. Or what about a commander with no corporal enforcement?
Rulers with no physical might don’t usually last very long. Yet the Bible speaks of a kin-dom that prevails without the intimidations of mass material might.
A kin-dom with power that is based solely upon the peace it provides.
A kin-dom with authority that extends only as far as the justice it establishes.
A kin-dom with dominion as far reaching as the desire for love in every human heart.
True greatness cannot be imposed; it can only be inspired. According to Proverbs, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.”
Defending the helpless. Uplifting the downtrodden. Empowering the disenfranchised. Caring for the sick. Providing treatment for the mentally ill. Strengthening the weak. Resourcing the under-served. Advocating for the ostracized. Educating the masses. Opening doors of opportunity for the oppressed. Keeping corporate greed in check. Making our cities more livable and affordable. Doing our best to look out for those whom Jesus called “the least of these.”
Greater moral focus on the above could very well lessen our tortured dependence upon rule by fiat.
There’s a theme that is sweet to my mem’ry. There’s a joy that I cannot declare. There’s a treasure that gladdens my being. ‘Tis the kingdom of righteousness here. ‘Tis a kingdom of peace, it is reigning within. It shall ever increase in my soul. We possess it right here when He saves from all sin, and ‘twill last while the ages shall roll. (“What A Kingdom,” by Barney E. Warren)

Kenneth L. Samuel is Pastor of Victory for the World Church, Decatur, Georgia.