Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations

Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations from Around the World
Learn about ecumenical and interfaith relationships developing across the United Church of Christ and ways
they’re making an impact in our world.
It has been said that “ecumenism is at the heart of the United Church of Christ.”
The United Church of Christ’s core identity and core commitment to the relationship with all the peoples of the earth leads us to be actively involved in both ecumenical and interfaith relations.
Key Links:
Basis of Union Statement
Interreligious Statement
Partnerships and Resources
Contact Us
Your Stories
Updates using #UccInterfaith and #UCCEcumenical
At six months of war, UCC ‘overwhelming response’ to Ukraine appeal supports most vulnerable
Any war’s story can be told in both numbers and names. That’s evident in the Russian…
Read MoreWork Studies
This series offers a mix of “how-to” instruction, research on what works, and faith insights into the importance of giving – for the giver as well as the recipient.

How Brookville Church Became a Place of Welcome for Other Religions
Read testimony from Rev. Vicky L. Eastland at Brookville Church in Long Island, NY on ways they’ve prioritized interfaith connections by building a shared community on their property. Read more

Lutheran/Reformed ‘Formula of Agreement’
Read about the formula that was created to bring Centuries of division between the Lutheran and Reformed branches of Protestant Christianity to an end in 1997. Read More
Partnership and Resources
Interfaith Toolkit
A new “Interfaith Toolkit” has been developed by the
Presbyterian Church (USA), the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ that provides “easy to use” resources to engage in local interfaith encounter and study. This kit contains a variety of resources to help as you engage with neighbors of faiths other than your own, or prepare to do so. It contains “how to do it” sorts of pieces, examples of what others have done, as well as more reflective materials on interfaith relationships as an integral part of being faithful followers of Jesus Christ.

Partnership Listings
Interfaith Relations
Ecumenical Relations
More about Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations
The United Church of Christ’s commitment to the pursuit of unity extends beyond the bounds of a single faith. We recognize that our Still Speaking God speaks to people of all faith traditions and that we are called to seek ways to connect and to affirm the worth of all of God’s beloved people. As a result, the work of the United Church of Christ in the area of interfaith/interreligious dialogue and engagement is an important expression of our values.
The commitment of the United Church of Christ to Interreligious dialogue and engagement has been affirmed on numerous occasions by the General Synod, most recently at the 32nd General Synod in an interreligious statement overwhelmingly adopted by the delegates.
Our Basis of Union
This commitment to unity in the Body of Christ is lived out through full communion agreements with various
denominations, participation in myriad ecumenical dialogue tables, with ecumenical bodies like the World
Council of Churches, World Communion of Reformed Churches, and National Council of Churches, and in the
pursuit of new and broadening relationships in the ever-changing landscape of Christianity in the 21st Century.
Read more
Interreligious Statement
In 2019 the Delegates to the 32nd General Synod of the United Church of Christ adopted a Resolution
entitled, “Reaffirming the United Church of Christ’s Commitment to Interreligious Relations, and Deploring
Religious Bigotry.” As part of this action, the UCC embraced a new Interreligious Statement. Read more
Our Leadership

The position of Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations Manager is currently vacant. Please direct any questions related to this department to Josh Baird at