Baptism, Eucharist, and Ministry — historic step by divided Christian churches towards a common understanding

In 1982 the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches (WCC) published an historic theological statement titled “Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry” (BEM). The statement represents years of ecumenical study and dialogue on the the church’s sacraments and offices of ministry. BEM explores what can be affirmed together by Christian churches of several (and historically separated) traditions—including churches of the Reformed, Lutheran, Methodist, Anglican and Orthodox families. It also recognizes that much more work remains before these traditions as they explore the many different accents in sacramental life and the understanding of ministry in the Body of Christ.

In 1985, General Synod received and committed itself to further study of the BEM statement. Both the BEM text and General Synod’s response are available here, along with links to other WCC resources.

 Links to Resources

 Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry Statement [WCC website]
 Faith and Order pages [WCC website]
 General Synod action on BEM
 UCC response to BEM