Into the Deep – Accessibility, Safety, and Welcoming Spaces
Apr 14, 2025 | 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Every two years, General Synod brings together faithful members of the United Church of Christ for inspirational worship, fellowship with friends (old and new), and public witness including through engagement with the business of the church. In July 2025, we…
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Every two years, General Synod brings together faithful members of the United Church of Christ for inspirational worship, fellowship with friends (old and new), and public witness including through engagement with the business of the church. In July 2025, we are excited to welcome thousands from across the country for General Synod 35 in Kansas City, Missouri – and Nurture the Soul is helping to get you there by introducing a 4-part series that goes deep into General Synod and why we hope to see you all there.
Part 3 – Join us for these Special Offerings, “Into the Deep” as we explore how we are planning to support the deepening and strengthening of relationships along with connections to one other, with our ecumenical, global and interfaith partners, and with God during General Synod 35.
During this webinar, we’ll hear from leaders on how we plan an accessible, safe, and welcoming Synod. We’ll learn more about how we create brave space through networking and communal opportunities for the LGBTQ+ community and moments of intentional intimate connections for women within the wider church and those seeking ways to be in community through a justice action lens; how we’ve created several places where children (birth through 12) and youth (rising 6th graders through recent high school graduates) to have their own unique faith formation experiences while also taking in the lessons of the wider church; and, the ways we’re living into our commitments to be Accessible-to-All (A2A) and WISE (Welcoming, Inclusive, Supportive, and Engaged) for mental health that include a Community Care Space as well as an Access Team available to support access needs.