Nurture the Soul: Christian Zionism in Our Churches

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Nurture the Soul: Christian Zionism in Our Churches

Oct 24, 2024 | 3:30pm - 4:30pm

Over the past century, Christian Zionism has been used to justify first the immigration of Jews to Palestine and then, with the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, justification for the unquestioning support of Israeli policies of occupation…



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Over the past century, Christian Zionism has been used to justify first the immigration of Jews to Palestine and then, with the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, justification for the unquestioning support of Israeli policies of occupation and apartheid. So what even is Christian Zionism? How does it appear in our churches? What are some different lenses we can use to examine the scriptures that underpin it?

Rev. Dr. Donald Wagner, retired Presbyterian pastor and theologian, and Rev. William T. Young IV, pastor of Covenant Baptist United Church of Christ, will share with us how they unpack and challenge Christian Zionism in their contexts.

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