Advocacy 101: Communal Care of Trans Siblings


Join Gender & Sexuality Justice Ministries for the beginning of their new series featuring Advocacy 101 topics throughout the remainder of the year! For the month of April, we'll move through the Love is Louder Tool Kit featuring Communal Care…

Menstrual Health and Justice for All


Women’s and Gender Justice is releasing a new toolkit to help congregations plan menstrual health and hygiene period pack projects to address the needs for people in transitional situations such as natural disasters or homelessness. Join Dr. Sherry Warren, Minister…

Cleveland Pride


Saturday, June 1 - Marching in Pride with Heartland/Living Water/National Staff at 10:00am ET Sunday, June 2 - Worship at Pilgrim Congregational UCC at 6:30pm ET (in-person and virtual)

OWL Taking Flight: Learning About Bodies Book Series


Dorian Solot and Marshall Miller join us to talk about their new book series for young children. Dorian Solot and Marshall Miller are the authors of the Our Whole Lives K-1 (2nd ed.) curriculum, and the picture books for young…

Breaking the Chains – A 2-day Virtual Summit


Join us as we participate in rich dialogue and intentional learning on Gender & Sexual Based Violence through the lens of Thursdays in Black! Together, we’ll learn how to partner in Breaking the Chains of gender and sexual based violence…

Gender & Sexuality + Our Faith


God seeks love OUT LOUD in our tending to ourselves and one another! Join Gender & Sexuality Justice Ministries to learn, grow and embrace Gender & Sexuality + Our Faith in action!

Thriving Through Moments of Unrest


Join Gender & Sexuality Justice Ministries to explore ways to thrive through moments of unrest and building communities of care.

Womxn Are Here: Inspiring Generations Onward


Join Gender & Sexuality Justice for a special Womxn's Month offering featuring intergenerational womxn's voices from across the United Church of Christ. Together we'll discuss the work of womxn in the UCC by sharing stories, hope and what this moment…