Nurture the Soul: Wellness Ministries Intergenerational Holiday Happenings


Reduce loneliness and deepen a sense of community within your congregation by organizing intergenerational gatherings during Thanksgiving and Advent. We will share three different types of activities and answer your questions about how to plan and advertise your events.

Nurture the Soul: Christian Zionism in Our Churches


Over the past century, Christian Zionism has been used to justify first the immigration of Jews to Palestine and then, with the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, justification for the unquestioning support of Israeli policies of occupation…

Nurture the Soul: Immigration: Will There Be Calm After the Storm?


Join Revs. Noel Anderson, Randy Mayer, and others to learn more about how United Church of Christ is working and evolving to welcome immigrants to our communities and congregations. Immigration has once again become a divisive issue in this election…


Embodied Advent Series 2024

Join us for an Embodied Advent Series that highlights the ministries of a diverse representation of United Church of Christ partners and faith leaders.  All Advent programs have been pre-recorded and will be made available on Nurture the Soul's YouTube…