Rethinking What God Calls Volunteers to Do


Rev. Bridget Daniels of Union UCC in Green Bay, WI, and Rev. Elana Larson of the National Ministries will reflect on ways to engage volunteers and hear God's call to something new when you can't find volunteers. They will help…

Building an Endowment


An endowment can support a congregation and its wider mission. But where do you start? This webinar will provide ideas and policies for creating and growing an endowment for your congregation. Rev. Andrew Warner will draw on his experience with…

Strengthen the Church Offering

Strengthen the Church offering is traditionally taken on the first Sunday of Pentecost. This year it will be on May 28, 2023. Order your offering theme materials here.

Narrative Budgets: Telling your Story by the Numbers


A narrative budget translates the line items of a traditional budget into a story of how your congregation makes a difference in the world. It can be a helpful tool for a stewardship campaign or annual meeting. By telling the…

2024 UCC Annual Earth Summit

The UCC's second annual Earth Summit will feature celebrated author and activist Bill McKibben delivering the Jim Antal Keynote Lecture with the title, "Energy from Heaven or Energy from Hell?" The two and a half hour summit will additionally feature…

Together for Tomorrow: Planned Giving in the Local Congregation

While a significant wealth transfer occurs as each generation passes, many congregations and ministries remain unprepared to promote planned giving options. Only 5% of people leave a charitable bequest even though nearly a third of people would if asked or invited…

Narrative Budgets: Telling your Story by the Numbers


A narrative budget translates the line items of a traditional budget into a story of how your congregation makes a difference in the world. It can be a helpful tool for a stewardship campaign or annual meeting. By telling the…

3 Best Practices for Stewardship in Congregations


We will discuss the three practices most likely to increase giving in a local congregation: teaching about generosity, pastoral leadership, and online giving options. The webinar will examine why these practices matter and discuss how to implement them in a…