Security and Faith: Abolitionist Perspectives


Security and Faith. In this three-part series, host Rev. Tracy Howe, Team Leader and Minister for FaithINFO and seasoned organizer invites panelists to engage community security issues. We live in a world of increasing vulnerability, charged public rhetoric, and more…

Building an Endowment


An endowment can support a congregation and its wider mission. But where do you start? This webinar will provide ideas and policies for creating and growing an endowment for your congregation. Rev. Andrew Warner will draw on his experience with…

Security and Faith: Threats and Responses from UCC Local Churches


Security and Faith. In this three-part series, host Rev. Tracy Howe, Team Leader and Minister for FaithINFO and seasoned organizer invites panelists to engage community security issues. We live in a world of increasing vulnerability, charged public rhetoric, and more…

Strengthen the Church Offering

Strengthen the Church offering is traditionally taken on the first Sunday of Pentecost. This year it will be on May 28, 2023. Order your offering theme materials here.

What has been your most important COVID shift?


Part 8 of the Create Playspace with the President series. Provocateur: Rev. Dr. John C. Dorhauer, General Minister and President of the UCC. **Please note- all sessions in this series will be recorded.

Summer Artist Series II, Q Worship Collective


TITLE: Q Worship Collective, forging new ground and creating space for artists to share stories and music of reclamation, reconciliation and identity with the Divine. DESCRIPTION: In this second episode of the Nurture the Soul Summer Artist Series, we are…

Seizing an Opportunity: Strengthening EPA Protections in 2023


Pollution from the power sector places a disproportionate burden on low income neighborhoods and communities of color. The power sector also produces a quarter of green house gas emissions in the United States. In the coming months, there is a…

World Refugee Day 2023 Worship Service


You're invited to an ecumenical worship service in honor of World Refugee Day 2023. This is a celebration with those who have found freedom and a call to continue the work of liberation until all of God's children know a safe home.

The Tenure of John Dorhauer: a Nurture the Soul Special Offering


Join us for a special offering of Nurture the Soul, an interview with Rev. Dr. John Dorhauer, who has served as General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ for eight years. In this intimate interview, we will…

Seeing through the Smoke: Wildfires, Climate, and a Path Forward


How can we find a path forward in addressing the wildfires that have created a landscape of crisis in our climate changed world? This webinar will feature three leading thinkers and practitioners in answering this question. John Vaillant has recently…