A Conversation with Calvin Synod UCC
ZoomA Celebration of UCC Ethnic Identified Cultures and Congregations. A worshipful expression of the diversity of cultures that make up the United Church of Christ.
A Celebration of UCC Ethnic Identified Cultures and Congregations. A worshipful expression of the diversity of cultures that make up the United Church of Christ.
The United Church of Christ is sponsoring "MLK Vietnam Speech: 55 Years Later." Rev. Dr. Bernice A. King will join a host of friends and comrades as we celebrate her father’s historic speech entitled “Beyond Vietnam." But we are not just…
Join us to hear from UCC and UU Congregations who have successfully implemented OWL in their congregations. What worked and what didn't? Bring your questions!
Churches run on volunteer power…but current conditions make volunteering harder. What can the UCC spaces do to support the essential role of volunteers? What do volunteers do in the wider church? This event is for people who are interested in…
Come join Thursdays for the Soul showcasing ministry and leadership- amplifying Trans preachers in the United Church of Christ. Transgender people are beloved of God, called into ministry, and changing the world for the better every single day. Come and…
With the recently released report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the dire situation faced by our world has never been clearer. In such a moment, leadership from communities of faith is sorely needed. Thankfully, Creation Justice…
On Maundy Thursday we commemorate the day on which Jesus Christ shared a meal, prayed, and was taken to trial before he was crucified. Members of the National Staff lead worship, offering prayers and inviting Holy Communion from wherever we…
In preparation for Earth Day, come learn the link between climate Justice, land, debt and reparations. We will examine the challenges faced by our global partners AND the innovative ways they are tackling them.
The sacred stories of our faith traditions offer us hope and encouragement for everyday life. When it comes to mental health and wellbeing, we invite you celebrate the power of faith to positively influence the mental health of our communities.…
The best-selling Catholic writer Joan Chittister has written, “What this world needs most right now is a new generation of prophets.” This is especially true as we confront the climate crisis today. Yet, we can no longer wait for others…
Join Rev. Traci Blackmon, Rev. Erica Poellot and Harm Reduction and Overdose Prevention Ministries for a service of celebration of justice-seeking harm reduction love. People who use drugs are beloved by God, called into ministry, and are resurrecting hope and…
Join us for a roundtable discussion about where OWL fits into national LGBTQ+ advocacy efforts. Guests will include UCC and UUA LGBTQ+ advocates from across the country.