Rooted in Faith and Justice: Palestinian Women in the Struggle


Women have played a critical role in the struggle for Palestinian rights and liberation, and have also been victims of the realities of occupation, displacement, and violence over the decades. Mira Rizeq continues to be a leader in Palestinian civil…

Nurture the Soul What’s Next: Befriending Loneliness


Loneliness was brought to the spotlight in 2023, when the Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, declared loneliness as an epidemic in post-COVID America. What does that mean for us now and how might it contribute to the divide we are…

Blessed Minds: Breaking the Silence about Neurodiversity


Is your church truly welcoming to all of God's children? Many churches are unintentionally exclusive toward people whose brains work differently. Join Rev. ellie hutchison as she will be in discussion with Rev. Dr. Sarah Lund, advocate, pastor and Author…

Special Offering: Into the Deep – General Synod 101


Every two years, General Synod brings together faithful members of the United Church of Christ for inspirational worship, fellowship with friends (old and new), and public witness including through engagement with the business of the church. In July 2025, we…

2025 Climate Hope Art Contest Ceremony


Join us as we celebrate the art of our 2025 finalists for the UCC's Climate Hope Art Contest for children and youth. The theme this year was “Planting Seeds of Hope.” UCC children and youth are invited to draw, paint,…

Into the Deep: The 5-Ws of Synod Resolutions


Every two years, General Synod brings together faithful members of the United Church of Christ for inspirational worship, fellowship with friends (old and new), and public witness including through engagement with the business of the church. In July 2025, we…

Into the Deep: Womxn 2 Womxn Series Part I


Join us for an intimate workshop and learning community space for womxn as we journey toward Synod together! We'll grow together and share communal space in an open-meeting format. Don't miss this unique opportunity to build community and gather.

Transformative Faith in Toxic Times


Too often, our theology of God’s power has been shaped by images of dominion and control, mirroring human systems of exploitation and extraction. But Scripture reveals a different kind of power—one that flows through relationships, nurtures life, and brings healing…

Into the Deep – Accessibility, Safety, and Welcoming Spaces


Every two years, General Synod brings together faithful members of the United Church of Christ for inspirational worship, fellowship with friends (old and new), and public witness including through engagement with the business of the church. In July 2025, we…

And They Shall Be Consoled: Connecting Eco-grief and Maundy Thursday


The grief we feel toward melting ice, heating cities, and dying species is woven throughout the activities of daily life.  This Maundy Thursday, join interfaith Rev. Lauren Van Ham as we learn about eco-grief and consider how our ministries can…