Climate Hope Cards Prayer Service


Join us for a brief online prayer service as we enter into the final week of collecting Climate Hope Cards to deliver to Washington, DC in September. Climate Hope Cards is an effort to strengthen EPA protections so that we…

Centering Environmental Justice at the EPA


The mission of the Environmental Protection Agency is "to protect human health and the environment." It's a mission that relates directly to some of the core values held by people of faith. It's also a mission that has evolved and…

Love is Louder: Listening Deeply to LGBTQIA+ Experiences


Gender & Sexuality Justice Ministries hosts a month-long webinar series focusing on intentional dialogue with LGBTQIA+ individuals to learn more about the state of this moment and how we can collectively offer care and just action together. Continuing our Love is Louder…

Love is Louder: Listening Deeply to LGBTQIA+ Experiences

Gender & Sexuality Justice Ministries hosts a month-long webinar series focusing on intentional dialogue with LGBTQIA+ individuals to learn more about the state of this moment and how we can collectively offer care and just action together. Venturing further into our Love…

Narrative Budgets: Telling your Story by the Numbers


A narrative budget translates the line items of a traditional budget into a story of how your congregation makes a difference in the world. It can be a helpful tool for a stewardship campaign or annual meeting. By telling the…

Love is Louder: Listening Deeply to LGBTQIA+ Experiences


Gender & Sexuality Justice Ministries hosts a month-long webinar series focusing on intentional dialogue with LGBTQIA+ individuals to learn more about the state of this moment and how we can collectively offer care and just action together. Closing our series with the…

Building A Better World: Faith-based Organizing from A-Z


A Conversation with "Building a Better World" Editor, Vahisha Hasan. “Some people understand organizing as something that happens outside of the church, but following the teachings and ministry of Jesus we quickly realize the call to discipleship is a call…

The Climate Strike Movement 5 Years Later


Five years have now passed from when Greta Thunberg and soon others went on strike from school to launch a movement that expanded and reverberated around the world. The movement continues as organizers prepare for the March to End Fossil…

Then Let Us Sing! A Case Study (Reimagining Ritual Series)


Then Let Us Sing! is a new online hymnal and music resource developed by the United Church of Canada for release in fall 2024. The Education Justice, and Ethos (EJE) sub-committee works to create strong theological criteria and rubric for…